Aartemis.com may seem like a regular search engine. Then why does it fail to provide original search results and forces you to view Yahoo Web, News, Images and Video search results? Our researchers can guarantee that if you wish to find authentic and reliable information you should not use this tool. You certainly should not trust it if it hijacked your regular home page and default search provider. It has been discovered that the browser hijacker can affect Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers; however, we are positive that other browsers are vulnerable as well. The infection can take over web browsers silently, and most computer users do not even know how it managed to slither in. Needless to say, if your operating Windows system is not protected by authentic malware detectors and removers, the chances of getting attacked are much higher. What should be done when this happens? Without a doubt, the next step should be aartemis.com removal.
Our spyware researchers know exactly how to delete aartemis.com hijacker. Do you know why? It is because the infection follows the same steps of other infamous browser hijackers. Some of them include qvo6.com, qone8.com, isearch.omiga-plus.com, portaldosites.com, etc. All of these infections have been noted to corrupt the browser shortcuts, so that manual removal would be much more complicated. Have you changed your home page and search provider settings but the hijacker reappeared again? Well this can be fixed with a few extra steps added to the manual guides (see below). Do you know what would happen if you did not get rid of the hijacker? If you continue using the search tool there is a possibility that soon enough you will begin getting bombarded by various advertisements. Trusting these would be a huge mistake because there is no way of telling what could happen, what sites you would be forced to use or what misleading offers you could be presented to.
Aartemis.com is a search provider which has been created by Koyoter Technology Limited and which does not seem harmful at all. Unfortunately, the reality is that this search tool can be employed as a malicious browser hijacker which enters the PC without your notice and takes over the home page and search provider settings. We advise that you immediately follow the instructions below to get rid of the unwanted settings and then install a reliable Windows guardian SpyHunter. The application will delete aartemis.com, other remaining computer infections, which may be running without your knowledge, and then guarantee that full-security is enabled.
Delete from Google Chrome:
Delete from Mozilla Firefox:
Delete from Internet Explorer:
tried that, does not work when ie shortcut is pinned to taskbar