CashU Virus is the newest subgroup of Ukash Virus that is distributed by Urausy Trojan. There are at least 4 different versions of this infection that target users in United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Palestine and Saudi Arabia. It is obvious that CashU Virus targets users who speak Arabic language, especially as the infection makes use of CashU to transfer the ransom money. CashU is a prepaid online payment method. It is available in the Middle East and North Africa, and it does not require user to have a credit card for him or her to use of the service. The payment method is absolutely legal, but by using it CashU Virus can get money even out of those users who do not have credit cards.
Since CashU Virus asks you to pay a ransom fee in order to unlock your PC, it is classified as ransomware infection. As it has been mentioned above, this threat is only one of the many ransomware infections that belong to Ukash Virus group. There are variants of this infection almost for every country that uses Internet, for example, there is Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü virus for Turkey, Policia Boliviana Virus for Bolivia, POLITIE Belgique Police Fédérale Virus for Belgium and many others. Just like its predecessors, CashU virus displays a notification message that says your computer has been locked due to suspicious activity.
Further, CashU Virus explains that you have breached national copyright laws by downloading copyrighted content. Apart from that you are also accused of distributing child pornography and even promoting terrorism. CashUVirus says that you have 72 hours to pay a fine in euro, US dollars or local currency. If you fail to do so, CashUVirus threatens to forward the information about your "crime" to local law enforcement authorities so that a criminal case would be initiated against you.
You should not panic, because first of all, no matter how much you pay CashU Virus will not unlock your computer. You need to do it yourself, and then remove CashU Virus from your PC for good.
Instructions for Windows 8
Instructions for Windows Vista & Windows 7
Instructions for Windows XP
If you have any questions about how to remove CashU Virus, do not hesitate to leave a comment below.