If your Internet browser is hijacked by the Conduit redirect infection, your search requests will be redirected to search.conduit.com, de.gomeo.de, mobilepetcages.com and various other scam-ware sources. Additionally, your main home page or even tab pages will be changed to a different source and you will notice that your Internet connection is running slower and slower whenever you try to browse the web. Overall, if you do not remove Conduit redirect from your Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers, you could face much greater prejudice than corrupted browsing experience.
Search.conduit.com is powered by the community toolbar that is offered in the official Conduit web page. This is one of the ways for you to get your Internet browser infected with the redirect infection. Another, more clandestine, trick to force you to use Conduit search engine and toolbar is to install the application onto the computer without your authorization. You need to be extremely careful with bundled downloads and P2P file sharing systems as they can be used for clandestine propagation. Additionally, it is also possible that the infection could be dropped onto your computer by already running infections like Trojans, worms or viruses. All in all, if one infection has been slipped onto your computer, it is only a matter of time when the second one is infiltrated.
You might argue that Conduit toolbar is a completely legitimate and safe web add-on to use. Actually, there is truth to your words, and if third parties were not linked to the toolbar, it would be a terrific product to use on a daily basis. Unfortunately, it is now clear that the toolbar can be utilized as a browser hijacker – Conduit redirect. Even though you can continue running the toolbar and the search engine if you install legal security tools to guard your online activity, it is best to have Conduit redirect removed. Delete the malignant extension from your browser, remove it from the Control Panel and then employ SpyHunter to scan your PC and delete any other malicious programs that could be active. If you have any more questions – use the comment box below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you are determined to delete the so-called Conduit virus from your browsers manually, we advise that you delete the suspicious toolbar (e.g., FreeBillPayAlert Toolbar or Filmfanatic Toolbar) first and then remove the undesirable search tools from your browsers.