La policia ESPAÑOLA virus Removal Guide

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Category: Malware

Do you have suspicion that your computer has been infected with the vicious La policia ESPAÑOLA virus? If your PC is locked, you cannot access your desktop and your screen is covered with an intimidating notification sent by the Spanish Police, your allegations could be confirmed. The monstrous ransomware infection has been noticed to be infiltrated into operating Windows systems via security loopholes revealed by Trojans, but could also enter systems on its own. Once this happens, every time you turn on your computer you will be greeted with a fictitious notification which will be removed only if you delete La policia ESPAÑOLA virus. Please see the fake alert:

¡Este equipo ha sido bloqueado para detener las actividades ilegales!
Después de la revision, ha sido descubierta una de las siguientes violaciones:
-Visita de sitios que contienen pornografia, infantil, bestialidad y el maltrato infantile.
-Mantener en el ordenador archivos de video con contenido pornográfico, elementos de violencia y pornografia infantile.
-Envio de mensajes de spam de contento terrorista.
-Uso de material sin tener para ello licencia, violación de los derechos de autor.
Para desbloquear la computadora, usted tiene que pagar una multa de 100 euros.

It does not matter whether you are actually guilty of any of the mentioned accusations or not, because schemers do not apply the virus according to your virtual activities. Of course, if you download and use pirated files you could get your Windows infected with all type of malware, which is why you should not get involved with such illegal activities. Regardless, the displayed accusations are fictitious and are not sent by the Police, which means that you need to keep your 100 Euros to yourself. Are you thinking about paying the alleged fine to regain access to the computer? Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that your PC would be unlocked. This has been proven whilst researching other clones of the infamous Ukash virus including the Association Canadienne des Policiers virus, the Strathclyde Police Virus and Cuerpo Nacional de Policía virus. All of these infections, alongside tens of others, are targeted at different countries but use the same attack and deception methods.

A sum of 100 Euros is too big to be wasted on misleading cyber criminals’ scams, which is why you should better invest it in reliable, automatic ransomware detection and removal tools like SpyHunter. The application has been designed to detect and delete the most recent computer infections and it could scan your computer for other potentially existing malware. To unlock your computer and install La policia ESPAÑOLA virus removal software follow these instructions:

Windows Vista and Windows 7 instructions:

  1. Restart the computer and after the BIOS screen disappears start tapping F8 (on the keyboard). This will allow you to access Advanced Boot Options menu.
  2. Using arrow keys on the keyboard select Safe Mode with Networking. Hit Enter.
  3. Launch an Internet browser and go to .
  4. Download and Install SpyHunter before resuming to regular Windows tasks.

Windows XP instructions:

  1. Restart the PC.
  2. When the BIOS loads up, continuously hit the F8 key on the keyboard.
  3. Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking.
  4. Tap Enter on the keyboard to apply the selection.
  5. When you are prompted with “Windows is running in safe mode” – click Yes.
  6. Open the Start menu (left side of the Task Bar) and launch RUN.
  7. Type “msconfig” and click Apply. System Configuration Utility will show up.
  8. Click on the Startup tab and uncheck all items. Click Apply.
  9. Download the automatic La policia ESPAÑOLA virus removal tool SpyHunter.
  10. Restart the computer and install SpyHunter.
Download Remover for La policia ESPAÑOLA virus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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