Sysinternals Antivirus Removal Guide

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Category: Fake Antispyware

Sysinternals Antivirus is a fake anti-virus program which belongs to the same rogue family as Your PC Protector and XJR Antivirus.

Sysinternals Antivirus is delivered via Trojans, laid in hacked websites. One click on such a malicious website is enough for the Trojan to sneak into the system and invite Sysinternals Antivirus in it as well. To enter the targeted computer, the Trojans exploit vulnerabilities found in its system.

The user is first aware of the rogue's presence when its scanning window appears on the screen. When the scan is over, a bogus list of infections is displayed, and the "Alert Level" of most of them is "high". Clicking on "Remove Threats" will only lead to prompting the victims to purchase the full version of Sysinternals Antivirus, which is not only useless when it comes to removing viruses, but also dangerous for the computer.

Right from the installation of the rogue on, phony alerts are popping up, warning about non-existing infections. Some of these notifications are:

Security Alert
Infiltration Alert
Your computer is being attacked by an Internet Virus. It could be a password-stealing attack, a trojan-dropped or similar.

Warning: Infection is Detected
Windows has found spyware infection on your computer! Click here to update your WIndows antivirus software...

In some cases, the counterfeit software also blocks other programs, in an attempt to prevent itself from being detected by security tools. In order not to seem suspicious, the villain displays the following pop-up as an explanation to the fact that the user cannot launch the given application:

Running of application is impossible.[Application Name] is infected.

Clicking on any of the alerts or scan-windows leads to the purchase page of the rogue, because selling the fake software was the initial goal of the whole scary-scheme. However, since Sysinternals Antivirus is not capable of removing malware pieces, but is one itself, the best thing to do, in case you spot this program in your PC, is to delete it immediately via a reputable AV tool.

Download Remover for Sysinternals Antivirus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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