Trojan.Weelsof.C Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

There are many types of Trojans and each of them has different functions. Trojan.Weelsof.C is type of Trojan that runs in the background of your system and connects to a remote server behind your back in order to download various files. The files that Trojan.Weelsof.C downloads are usually malware updates and other infections that eventually cripple your computer. It is especially frustrating that there are no distinctive infection symptoms associated with Trojan.Weelsof.C - you basically need a reliable antimalware program to determine whether you have Trojan.Weelsof.C or not.

When you get infected with Trojan.Weelsof.C, the malware drops a file in %AppData% folder. The file is a direct copy of the Trojan that has a random 8-character name and .exe extension. For example, the file can be called cuuqqmoo.exe, wlriqzhp.exe or any other random name. On top of that Trojan.Weelsof.C also dropped another randomly named file (with a 15-character name), that is not malicious. A few examples of these file names would be tulpmjllloozzic, pjqjsyrlgbgksrv and so on. Trojan.Weelsof.C makes sure that it runs at every Windows start by creating auto-run registry keys.

Once the infection is established, Trojan.Weelsof.C connects to remote servers in order to download other files, just as it has been mentioned above. According to security expert research, the Trojans has been reported to connect to,, and other websites. By connecting behind your back to these servers, Trojan.Weelsof.C exposes you to other malware infections. In a long run you can experience an ultimate system crash. Therefore, you need to invest in a legitimate antimalware tool and remove Trojan.Weelsof.C from your system right now, to prevent any further damage. Run a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner to check whether you have any other malware installed on your PC.


Download Remover for Trojan.Weelsof.C *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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