Websearch.searchisfun.info is not a regular search engine, and most users realize this as soon as they interact with it. If you have found Websearch.searchisfun.info installed without permission, you must instantaneously identify it as a browser hijacker. A browser hijacker requires immediate removal, which means that you need to delete Websearch.searchisfun.info as soon as possible. If you do not know how to remove this browser hijacker from your operating system, we are sure that things will clear up after you read this report. We have tested the removal of Websearch.searchisfun.info in our internal lab to provide you with the most valuable and useful information.
You might have no knowledge of this, but Websearch.searchisfun.info is one of the clone of the so-called Websearch Hijackers. The family is old and spread all across the web, which is why our malware researchers have so much information about the threat and its removal. The most recent threats from the family that await removal include Websearch.searcholic.info.com, Websearch.searchplazanow.info, and Websearch.look-for-it.info. These search tools not only work in the same way, but also have identical interfaces, and so it should not be difficult to recognize them. Are you trying to delete one of these Websearch Hijackers? If you are, you can follow the removal of Websearch.searchisfun.info.
Does Websearch.searchisfun.info redirect to malicious websites? The search engine itself does not provide original search results, and leads users to findamo.com, google.com, and similar search engines. As you might now, findamo.com displays sponsored results, which is why our malware researchers do not identify it as a reliable search tool. On top of that, Websearch.searchisfun.info displays banner advertisements that, without a doubt, also provide links to third-party sites. There are many risks related to unpredictable links. For example, you might stumble upon phishing scams or misleading malware installers. Due to this, you need to have Websearch.searchisfun.info removed ASAP.
The suspicious Websearch.searchisfun.info does not look like a serious threat, but you need to remove it from your browsers as soon as you can. You can remove Websearch.searchisfun.info manually using the instructions below, or you can employ an automatic malware removal tool to get rid of malware for you. It is particularly important to use automatic malware removal software in case the suspicious hijacker Websearch.searchisfun.info has been installed with other unreliable programs. If you are sure you can remove malware manually, you can try to delete Websearch.searchisfun.info using these guides.
Delete from Internet Explorer:
Delete from Mozilla Firefox:
Delete from Google Chrome: