avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware Removal Guide

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avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware is a harmful computer infection which does not even try to mask its presence. As specialists at 411-spyware.com have noticed, it starts working immediately after landing on the system. It goes to encrypt users’ personal data right after the successful entrance. Researchers say that it could not even act differently because it uses the engine of Xorist Ransomware (it used to be quite prevalent in the past). Users can be sure that they have encountered avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware and not any other ransomware infection if they see new filename extensions appended to their files, e.g. .x2Hzqz8YKTjyeKs6Oiz7CzQQ, .qbv2vzVF, .utyoq3wU, .data or others because, unlike similar file-encrypting threats, it appends random extensions. Those files whose original extensions are replaced are all encrypted with, as it is stated in the ransom note left by this threat, “a strong encryption.” Just like similar computer infections, avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware encrypts users’ files because it seeks to push them into paying money. We probably do not even have to say that it is not advisable to send money to cyber criminals because they will, most probably, take your money and will not even bother sending you the decryption key. Also, a ransomware infection will be left working on the system because they could not disable or remove it for you remotely.

It must be already clear for you why you cannot access any of your files – they have all been encrypted. This is, undoubtedly, the main activity ransomware infections perform. After locking all users’ files, avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware drops .txt files with ransom notes on PCs. One of the versions of this ransomware infection places HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt and КАК РАСШИФРОВАТЬ ФАЙЛЫ.txt on Desktop. The second version of avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware drops .txt files too, but the content of these files slightly differs. There is only an email and a sentence “The cost is no less than 15$” there. Actually, no matter which version of this infection you encounter, you will not be told what the size of the ransom is or how to transfer money to cyber criminals to get the decryption key. It seems that the only way to get this information is to write an email to avastvirusinfo@yandex.com, i.e. contact cyber criminals. We can assure you that the decryption tool will not be cheap, so it is a very bad idea to pay for an expensive decryptor. Users who still decide to go to purchase the tool for decrypting files should know that they might not even get it. In this case, a refund will not be issued for them either. Evidently, users can lose both their files and their money.

Although avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware is a newly-discovered threat, it does not differ at all from older ransomware infections, i.e. it also encrypts files with the intention of getting money from users, and it also slithers onto computers illegally. Unfortunately, we cannot say that users do not help this infection to enter their PCs. Of course, they are not aware of that, but they surely contribute to the entrance of this computer infection. People do that by opening attachments from spam emails. Yes, ransomware infections come as attachments in spam emails very often, so stay away from those emails. Do not forget that they can escape the Spam folder and appear next to decent emails, so do not open attachments of emails sent by senders/companies you do not know or have nothing in common with. Since ransomware infections might be dropped by other malicious applications or simply pretend to be useful software and hide on bad pages, it might not be enough to ignore spam emails. According to researchers specializing in cyber security, there must be a security application installed on all users’ computers.

Your files will not be unlocked even if you erase avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware, but it does not mean that you do not need to go to get rid of it. Use our manual removal instructions to get rid of it fully. After deleting this infection, scan your computer with a free diagnostic scanner which you can download by clicking on the Download button located below this article. It is advisable to do that because other infections might be silently working behind your back as well. They all need to be erased too because they might be responsible for the entrance of this malicious application and might allow other threats to enter the system easily in the future.

How to delete avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware

  1. Launch the Windows Explorer (press Win+E simultaneously).
  2. Go to %AppData%\Local\Temp (type it at the top and press Enter).
  3. Delete up_date.exe and {randomname}.exe.
  4. Open the other directory %AppData%\Local\Local\Temp.
  5. Locate and delete plugin.dll.
  6. Remove ransom notes dropped by avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware from Desktop.
  7. Find and erase all recently downloaded suspicious files (you should be able to find them in %USERPROFILE%\Downloads).
  8. Empty the Trash bin.
Download Remover for avastvirusinfo@yandex.com Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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