If Search.hdailysocialweb.com is set as your homepage all of a sudden, it is likely that you did not permit the installation of this search tool. If the change was expected, you must have been informed about it prior to the installation. In both cases, the search tool is classified as a browser hijacker because users are tricked into installing it with “Daily Social Web.” This add-on might promise you to provide you with access to popular social networking services, but, in reality, its only function is to introduce you to the hijacker. Of course, most users discover this only after they let the infection in. We have to discuss the distribution of this suspicious infection at length because it is possible that its entrance is linked to other infections. If you want to learn about this, you have to continue reading. If you do not care about this, but you want to delete Search.hdailysocialweb.com, you will find the removal guide below. We also have opened the comments section for everyone to add their questions and discuss the threat.
Search.hdailysocialweb.com does not have an official installer. This browser hijacker is identical to others, including Search.searchvidpop.com, Search.hinstantnewsnow.co, and Search.hfreeforms.co. All of them were developed by Polarity Technologies Ltd, and none of them have official installers. That is because they are represented by extensions. In most cases, they have official download pages, or they are introduced via the Chrome app store. It appears that the official download page for “Daily Social Web” should be http://dailysocialweb.com/, but it does not offer an installer yet. This could change in the near future. All in all, even if the official installer existed, it is likely that users would still come across the suspicious extension and the hijacker – they are unlikely to travel separately – bundled with other suspicious programs. Do such programs exist on your PC? You do not need to wonder any longer. Click the Download button below, install the program, and run a free malware scanner to check if other threats exist. If they do, of course, you need to remove them soon.
Although Search.hdailysocialweb.com provides you with easy-access links to such popular sites as facebook.com, instagram.com, twitter.com, or linkedin.com, this should not be an indication that this browser hijacker is trustworthy. While these links are legitimate, they might be used to make you think that the hijacker is useful. That might be the same reason why the infection uses Yahoo Search to deliver search results. Even though redirecting to search.yahoo.com is unauthorized, users are likely to be forgiving because this is a well-known and reputable search engine. Unfortunately, the hijacker can exploit your trust to expose you to third-party links. These could be added to the results page, and you might click them without even realizing it. If the links were malicious, you could be in trouble. In fact, you could be in trouble even if you ignored Search.hdailysocialweb.com altogether because this threat uses tracking cookies capable of recording personal information. We are sure that most people will find this intrusive, which is why we are discussing the removal.
What are your options when it comes to the removal if Search.hdailysocialweb.com? You can get rid of this threat manually, or you can install an anti-malware program. We recommend the latter if you are still not sure how this hijacker works, if your operating system is corrupted by other infections, and if you are interested in having your PC protected reliably. All of these things can be handled by a legitimate anti-malware program. What if you choose manual removal? We are sure that most people will be able to delete Search.hdailysocialweb.com themselves (we cannot guarantee this when it comes to other infections running along). If the hijacker operates together with “Daily Social Web,” it should be enough to uninstall/remove it. If that does not work, we also add instructions that show how to change the homepage URL. Hopefully, you know what to do, and we wish you success.
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