Virus.Win32.Faker.A Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Virus.Win32.Faker.A is a falsely reported threat which is used in the attacks by rogue antispyware applications to panic users into thinking their PCs are under attack. This fake threat also goes by the name of:


This fake threat appears regularly in the falsely generated security threats of rubbish rogue security tools such as Windows Protection Suite and Internet Antivirus. Although it forms part of these fake security tools’ attacks, Virus.Win32.Faker.A is a real threat in its own right, and is also able to steal network administrator passwords.

Symptoms associated with Virus.Win32.Faker.A include the infection unilaterally changing the user’s Desktop image and screensaver, in a bid to panic the user into paying for the above mentioned fake security application’s worthless software.

Although Virus.Win32.Faker.A is not a standalone infection, it still poses a security risk to your PC. Do not allow this threat to cause you any more inconvenience, panic or frustration than necessary and destroy Virus.Win32.Faker.A along with its parent rogue application in order to securely restore your PC’s privacy and security. This can easily be achieved by investing in a properly functioning security tool which will not only erase Virus.Win32.Faker.A and all traces of its parent rogue application, but also protect your PC against similar annoying threats in future.

Download Remover for Virus.Win32.Faker.A *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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