Allcry Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Ransomware infections are now very often launched with some key features lacking. The Allcry ransomware is one the threats that attempt to scare victims into paying up without actually encrypting files on the affected computer. Upon installation, the threat displays a threatening warning, according to which, the victim has to pay a release fee of 0.2 Bitcoin, which is a digital currency widely popular among cyber fraudsters. The Allcry ransomware is one of hundreds and thousands attempts to fleece inexperienced computer users, and you should not give in. If a program window named Allcry Crypter is sticked to your screen, ignore the requirements outlined and take action to remove the ransomware from your PC for good.

The Allcry ransomware is known to be available in four different variants, all of which do not encrypt files, only display deceptive ransom warnings. Additionally, the ransomware is found to be targeted at East Asia, mainly China and Korea. The window containing the ransom warning also has an option allowing the victim to choose other languages: Chinese and Korean.

According to the attacker's demand, the victim is expected to purchase 0.2 BTC and send the money to the digital wallet 1BSJXEPpBybtXZiXNh9xDBdJdNYdvnzXru. After submitting the payment, the victim has to send the ID created by the infection to to supposedly help the attackers recognize which computer needs decryption. Law enforcement agencies strongly advise victims against paying up because the probability that the attacker will reply by providing a decryption tool is extremely low. This recommendation applies to every instance regarding ransomware. Ransomware is a profit-oriented software which is used use to swindle people out of their money without mercy. In the present case, the Allcry ransomware do not affect your files, which means that there is no reason to worry about the ransom. You should focus on removing the infection and securing your system against malware, because your PC can get easily infected with more destructive threats.

The analysis of the infection's code suggests that encrypted files would be altered by appending the extension .allcry, which may resemble the notorious ransomware infection WannaCry. Like the vast majority of ransomware infections, the Allry threat creates a notepad file named readme.txt on the desktop. The file does not pose danger, but it should be removed from the computer as part of the infection.

Regarding the methods of ransomware distribution, it is important to note that this types of malware can spread in multiple ways, with social engineering taking the top position. Malware, including ransomware and other types of threats, is distributed by innocent looking emails that are supposedly sent by a reputable company or service provider. Being critical to all questionable content sent to you is vital. Do not click on URLs or email attachments in order not to launch malware installation. You should also keep the system and software up-to-day so that no worm exploiting software, or system vulnerabilities, find its way to your system. Downloading freeware from software sharing websites and networks is also inadvisable. Every nook and cranny of the Internet should be accessed with some danger in mind, especially if the new is being browsed without a reputable security tool running on the PC.

Implementing a reputable security program is highly important, because it is physically impossible to see whether the system is being attacked or not. A reputable anti-malware program would take care of your OS so that you can safely browse the Internet. If you want to have the Allcry ransomware removed with ease, use our recommended tool, which wil fight off different types of malware, including ransomware, Trojan horses, worms, and other dangerous programs created with the intention to obtain some benefit from you.

In case you want to remove the Allcry ransomware by yourself, use the removal guidelines provided below. We will do our best to answer your questions if any arise when dealing the components of Allcry. But note that you remove Allcry at your own risk.

How to remove the Allcry ransomware

  1. Check the desktop for malicious files and delete all questionable recently downloaded files, including the readme.txt file.
  2. Check the Downloads  and Temporary folders and remove questionable files.
  3. Press Win+R to open the Run dialog box.
  4. Type in regedit and click OK.
  5. Follow the path HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Allcry Software and delete the registry key Allcry Software.
Download Remover for Allcry Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Allcry Ransomware Screenshots:

Allcry Ransomware

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