Wannabehappy Ransomware Removal Guide

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Wannabehappy Ransomware is a malicious infection that enters target computers surreptitiously and then expects users to pay a lot of money for some decryption tool. Computer security experts say that there is no need to pay the ransom because it is possible to decrypt the files without getting the key from these criminals. Therefore, in this description, we will tell you more about Wannabehappy Ransomware and how to remove it from your computer. Seeing that there is no need to worry about restoring your files, you can focus entirely on removing the application from your system.

As far as the distribution of this infection is concerned, there is nothing surprising about it. The ransomware program employs the same distribution methods as most of the other programs of the same profile out there. For the most part, Wannabehappy Ransomware spreads via spam email attachments. That is the most common ransomware distribution method, and it is rather frustrating because users end up installing these infections themselves. Spam email attachments cannot reach your computer unless you download it willingly. So these scams trick users into thinking that the files in the spam emails are important, and users have to download them immediately.

The moment you launch the file you downloaded, Wannabehappy Ransomware gets installed on your computer. Of course, spam emails are not the only mean of distribution out there. According to our findings, the program can also be distributed via unsafe Remote Desktop Client, so if your system is connected to some other network via a remote desktop connection, there is always a chance that someone could infect your PC with this ransomware manually. Thus, you should always check whether your connections are safe.

When the malicious program is launched, it displays a notification that contains the encryption key, and then the entire encryption process starts. Once the encryption is complete, you will see the following ransom note on your screen:

What Happened to My Computer?
Your important files are encrypted. Many of your documents, photos, videos, databases and other files are no longer accessible because they have been encrypted. Maybe you are busy looking for a way to recover your files, but do not waste your time. Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service.

The message goes on to say that you also have limited time to transfer the payment, and if you fail to do that, the price will double. Wannabehappy Ransomware says that you have to pay $500 in Bitcoin to get the decryption key that will help you restore your files.

However, we have already established that it is possible to decrypt the files affected by this program without paying the ransom. You should contact the researchers who are offering the public decryption tool for this ransomware. Also, if you have copies of your files saved in an external hard drive, you can simply delete the encrypted data, remove Wannabehappy Ransomware, and then transfer the healthy files back to your computer.

For more information on this type of infections and how to deal with them, you can always leave us a comment below.

How to Remove Wannabehappy Ransomware

  1. Open your Downloads folder.
  2. Delete the most recently downloaded files.
  3. Press Win+R and type regedit. Click OK.
  5. Delete the WannabeHappy entry under SOFTWARE.
  7. Delete the WannabeHappy entry under WOW6432Node.
  8. Exit Registry Editor and scan your PC with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Wannabehappy Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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