TeleGrab Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

TeleGrab is a malicious program you should be aware of if you are using a messaging application called Telegram. It was classified as a Trojan as it can settle in without the user even realizing anything. Besides, specialists who have researched it claim the infection might be used by Russian hackers seeking to steal their victims’ sensitive information. If you are interested in finding out more about TeleGrab, we would recommend reading the rest of our report. In it, we will discuss the malicious program’s working manner, the ways it could travel, and what harm it may bring if it manages to infect your computer. Moreover, in the article, you will find tips explaining how to get rid of this Trojan manually, although we would like to stress it might be wiser to use reputable security tool instead given the task could be challenging.

So far, it looks like the malware travels with infected setup files. Meaning, users might accidentally launch TeleGrab without even realizing it while downloading installers from various P2P file-sharing networks, sites distributing suspicious freeware, and so on. This is why we strongly recommend staying away from sites with pirated software or other doubtful content. As an extra precaution, we could suggest employing a reliable security tool. Users could use it to scan questionable data every time they download content raising suspicion.

Before settling in, TeleGrab should check the computer’s IP address, and it seems it infects the device only if the IP address appears to be from Russia or China. Apparently, the malicious program has a list of target IP addresses that it accesses through a particular website. Thus, the first thing it should do is check this list and decide whether to attack or not. If the user is from Russia or China, the Trojan should get in and start its malicious activities, such as stealing browser’s cookies, login data for sites like Steam, Google accounts, and so on. The infection can also hijack Telegram sessions, access the user’s contacts list, chat history, etc. It is important to mention that the malware attacks only those Telegram versions that are installed on Desktop computers. It would seem the Desktop version does not support the Secret Chats function and may have weaker default settings, which is why it might be weaker to such attacks.

Clearly, TeleGrab could do a lot of harm as it may steal your accounts, gain the sensitive information you could share via the messaging application, compromise your contacts, etc. Knowing this, our specialists advise taking all necessary precautions to avoid this Trojan. Unfortunately, if your computer has been already infected, you should react quickly and erase the malware at once. The instructions located below this paragraph shows how to look for the Trojan’s installer or other files related with it, but sadly, they cannot be more precise, which might make this task a bit too difficult. Also, before following them, you should know the reason we advise restarting the computer is doing so might be easier than killing the threat’s process via the Task Manager. Users who are not experienced in removing malicious software or who merely prefer using automatic features, could employ a reliable security tool instead and let it eliminate the infection for them.

Get rid of TeleGrab

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Press Win+E.
  3. Locate the given directories:
  4. Find the malicious file that you downloaded and launched recently (before the malware appeared).
  5. Right-click the malicious application’s launcher or other data related to it and select Delete.
  6. Exit File Explorer.
  7. Empty your Recycle Bin.
  8. Reboot the system.
Download Remover for TeleGrab *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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