Search Genie Removal Guide

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You might have initially downloaded the Search Genie extension to help you browse the web, but you might have already realized that this extension is not only useless but also pretty suspicious. Does it help you browse the web? It certainly does. Are the results shown by it reliable? That is questionable. If you have already figured this out, you might be on track to removing the potentially unwanted program (PUP), and the guide you can find below will help you take care of that. However, we still recommend reading this report to fully understand the extension and the security problems it might bring upon you. If you read this report, you might also learn about good habits that will help you evade unreliable programs and PUPs in the future. We hope that you can delete Search Genie in no time, but if you feel like asking us questions before you commence the operation, do not hesitate to add them below.

Did you download Search Genie from its official website,, or the Chrome web store, If you have downloaded the PUP directly from these sources, it is possible that other threats do not exist on your operating system. However, if you used a bundled installer, or you do not remember downloading the extension at all, you need to consider the possibility that other threats exist too. In either case, scanning the operating system with a free malware scanner will not hurt you. After a thorough inspection, you will know what you are dealing with. Hopefully, you only need to remove Search Genie. When this extension is installed, the default search provider is replaced with, but you will not need to handle it separately, as it will disappear as soon as the extension is removed. So, why should you get rid of the suspicious search provider? The main reason is that you are unlikely to access reliable search services via it. In fact, every time you will enter a search query, you will be redirected to Yahoo Search.

What is wrong with Yahoo Search? Nothing. However, Search Genie can use this engine to trick you into interacting with potentially unreliable links. The PUP modifies the results shown, and that is how the user is tricked into thinking that they are being safe, when, in reality, they might be clicking on ads and links set up by malicious third parties. Have you enabled notifications from Search Genie too? If you have done that, advertisements might be introduced to you directly as well. They might seem harmless, but we cannot guarantee that it is safe for you to interact with them. According to our research team, the PUP can record some information about its users, and some of it could be relayed to unknown parties too. While the virtual identity of users might remain safe, we do not know if using the extension is safe overall. Ultimately, considering that it does not really offer any good services, you are better off without the potentially unwanted program. Once you delete it, you can find a much better search tool.

The instructions you can see below are supposed to make it easy for you to remove Search Genie from your Google Chrome browser manually. Even if you have never done anything like it before, we are sure that you can eliminate the unwanted extension yourself. There is one other way to get rid of the PUP – you can install an anti-malware program to delete Search Genie automatically. This is definitely the right thing to do if other unreliable or even malicious programs exist on your operating system. Another reason to install this program is the full-time protection it would enable, and that is important if you want to keep malware and PUPs away in the future. Now that you have all of the information, we hope that you can do what is best for you, but remember that you can always ask us questions if you need to.

How to delete Search Genie from Google Chrome

  1. Open the browser.
  2. Enter chrome://extensions/ into the address bar.
  3. Identify the undesirable extension and click Remove.
Download Remover for Search Genie *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Search Genie Screenshots:

Search Genie
Search Genie


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