If various coupons, offers, and other deals are bothering you constantly, we believe that you might have ADDICT-THING onto your computer. This application is especially active on various commercial websites, including ebay.com, amazon.com, and similar. As it is not going to be extremely beneficial and actually might cause more harm than you think, you should definitely remove ADDICT-THING from your system. This program is classified as an advertising-supported program and its main aim is to promote different services and products and thus receive money from pay-per-click websites. This application installs its extension to all main browsers, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. As you can see, it is aimed at a wide range of computer users.
Even though all these advertisements that ADDICT-THING generate might seem rather useful, you should know that clicking on these commercials might expose you to malicious software without you even suspecting it. Thus, we do not recommend clicking on those ads because the content of these websites to which you might be taken is unknown or even malicious. Do not be too naive; ADDICT-THING itself is definitely not liable for the content of these promotions. Actually, its main aim is to generate traffic to particular websites and receive money.
You might also feel that ADDICT-THING came onto your computer from nowhere. If you have not downloaded it yourself, there is a huge possibility that it has been bundled with different applications. It is not easy to notice that additional programs are going to be installed on your system if you do not read and follow the installation wizard carefully. If you keep clicking Next button throughout the whole installation process, we are not surprised that you have a great deal of unfamiliar programs onto your computer. You should remove them all because they might cause harm to the system themselves.
Do you wonder how to erase ADDICT-THING from your system? Stop worrying – we will help you to get rid of it. You just have to follow the instructions that you will find below or you can scan your computer with SpyHunter or other reliable antimalware tool. The automatic remover will do all the work for you; your job will be to launch the scanner. This variant is especially suitable for less experienced users.
Windows XP
Windows 7 and Vista
Windows 8
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome