Anonymous virus Removal Guide

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Anonymous virus is the latest piece of ransomware which, in contrast to other ransomware infections, does not present a law enforcement institution but employs a hacktivist character Anonymous. As other Ukash viruses, this particular infection in question locks computers down and presents a message written in white on a black background. The text in the message given reads like this:

Knowledge is free.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Do not get scared if you find this scary message on your screen, because there are many different ransomware infections, including Türk Polisi Virus, Polizia Slovena Ransomware and Slovenská Polícia Virus. Anonymous virus is attributed to Ukash viruses because the infection asks the user to pay 100 American dollars through Ukash. Even though criminals cannot access your bank account, the fact that a considerable sum of money could be spent on the supposed unlocking of the PC should be taken into account. Below you will find how the attackers introduce themselves and required the money to be paid:

Your computer has been hacked by the Anonymous Hackers Group and locked for the moment. All files have been encrypted. You need to pay a ransom of $100 within 24 hours to restore the computer back to normal.

Instead of trying to escape from remote attackers by paying the money, install a powerful spyware removal application and remove Anonymous virus. We recommend that you use SpyHunter, because it is likely that those who are responsible for the Ukash viruses will produce more and more infections. SpyHunter will secure the computer against ransomware attacks so that you can browse the Internet safely. All that you need to do to delete the infection is install the program, which you will do successfully if you follow these guidelines:

Windows Vista/7:

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Pres F8 while the PC is rebooting.
  3. Use up/down arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  4. Download SpyHunter at
  5. Install the application and remove Anonymous virus.

Windows XP:

  1. Follow the first three steps given above.
  2. Click on Yes when a table asking you to confirm your logging into Safe Mode with Networking.
  3. Open the Start menu.
  4. Launch Run.
  5. Type “msconfig” in white space and press OK.
  6. Click on Startup.
  7. Uncheck all startup entries and click on Apply.
  8. Download SpyHunter and restart the computer in Normal Mode.
  9. Install the application and immediately run a scan.
Download Remover for Anonymous virus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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