Antiviral Factory 2013 Removal Guide

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Category: Fake Antispyware

Antiviral Factory 2013 is a rogue security tool which is classified as scareware. It belongs to the Rogue.WinWebSec malware family, which includes System Care Antivirus, AVASoft Professional Antivirus, Live Security Platinum, and others. Antiviral Factory 2013 can be installed without your permission, or it can be downloaded and installed from its official websites, where the user can find the characteristics and the benefits of the program. Our advice is to remove the rogue anti-virus program, as it is a scam, whose ultimate goal is to extort up to 109.95 U.S. dollars from you.

According to the information provided on the official website of the malicious application, Antiviral Factory 2013 is a combination of different technologies that enables the users to prevent Trojans, spyware, and other threats circulating on the Internet. It is said that the signature database has over 300.000 threat definitions, and that the program is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows XP. Even though the program can work on different operating systems, you should ignore all the functions presented by the criminals and remove Antiviral Factory 2013 if it is already present on the PC.

It is also important to ignore the malfunctions of the system that follow the installation of the program. If you cannot browse the Internet as usual or launch executable files, you should bear in mind that the malfunctions are caused by the rogue program.

Below you will find some fake security warnings that are displayed by the infection:

Last scan detected malicious programs (1), viruses (6), adware (1), spyware (4), tracking cookies (2).

Application cannot be executed. The file GoogleUpdate.exe is infected.
Please activate your antivirus software.

Warning: Your computer is infected
Detected spyware infection!
Click this message to install the last update of security software

It is very easy to get trapped by the schemers behind Antiviral Factory 2013 as the application looks like a regular security tool. Even its purchase form looks convincing. According to the purchase page, you can purchase different packages of the program. The cheapest is the 3 month pack which would cost you 49.95 USD, while the most expensive one is a 12 month pack and Premium Support, whose price is 109.95 USD. Ignore the options given by the criminals; moreover, do not even think of exposing your personal information as it may be used by the attackers in order to get access to your money.

Antiviral Factory 2013 should be removed from the PC once you notice simulated system scans, suspicious pop-up warnings or other malfunctions of the system that are related to the installation of the rogue program. We recommend that you use SpyHunter as this real-time malware removal tool can easily remove the Rogue.WinWebSec malicious programs and safeguard the PC against various computer infections.

However, before installing SpyHunter, try the following registration key. It should help you disable annoying pop-ups.

Registration key: AA39754E-715219CE

Download Remover for Antiviral Factory 2013 *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Antiviral Factory 2013 Screenshots:

Antiviral Factory 2013
Antiviral Factory 2013
Antiviral Factory 2013


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