Az ön számítógépe blokkolásra került Virus Removal Guide

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Category: Malware

Az ön számítógépe blokkolásra került Virus is a ransomware which runs on devious files, dropped onto the Windows system without your consent and knowledge. How can you know about the infection before it attacks and locks up your computer? Unfortunately, the virus is composed of rootkits which are impossible to detect and delete manually. Of course, if your operating Window system is protected by reliable, updated security tools, you have nothing to worry about. If this is not the case and you live in Hungary, you have to be extra careful because any bundled download could be used to infect your PC with essential ransomware components. Continue reading to find out how to delete Az ön számítógépe blokkolásra került Virus, or go straight to the removal instructions at the end of the report.

The malicious virus belongs to the Reveton clan of ransomware infections. Tietokoneesi on lukittu Virus, Bllgisayarinizin Bloke Edilmistir Virus, Din Dator är Blockerad Virus and other infections belong to this group as well. The devious program sets its files to hijack the Windows Registry, remove access to Task Manager and display a deceitful screen-size alert which accuses you of breaking laws and demands your money:

Az Ön számítógép működését megszöntettük a meg nem engedett kibernetikus activítás miatt. Ha probál blokkolást õnállóan megszüntetni, minden adatait formázzuk a bizonyítékot képezõ fájlokon. […] Annak érdekében, hogy kiblokkolja a számítógépét és más jogkövetkezményt elkerüljen, Önnek kell 25 000 HUF összegũ bírságot fizetnie.

Is this alert sent by the national Hungarian authorities? You should not believe that, despite the intimidating video recording or threats to remove your digital data and imprison you. These scare tactics have already helped schemers to accumulate immense profit, and you should not become another victim who entrusted fictitious information. So what exactly should you do?

Even though manual Az ön számítógépe blokkolásra került Virus removal is not recommended to even experienced Windows users, you could make use of automatic removal software. Such reliable applications as SpyHunter can find and delete even well hidden rootkit files; hence, the only thing you should worry about is how to install this removal tool onto your locked computer. Whether you run Windows XP/Vista/7 or 8, you can and should delete Az ön számítógépe blokkolásra került Virus as soon as possible. Below are the instructions which will help you achieve successful removal.

Remove from Windows Vista/7:

  1. Restart the computer. You can do this by pressing the power button.
  2. Wait for BIOS (information on hardware) to load and start tapping the F8 key.
  3. Use arrow keys to navigate around the Advanced Boot Options menu. Select Safe Mode with Networking.
  4. Hit Enter to apply the selection.
  5. Visit and download SpyHunter.
  6. Install the automatic virus removal tool at once.

Remove from Windows XP:

  1. Begin by restarting your computer.
  2. Start tapping the F8 key as soon as BIOS loads up.
  3. Using arrow keys select Safe Mode with Networking from the Windows Advanced Options Menu. Hit Enter.
  4. Click Yes when the “Desktop” alert pops up.
  5. Open the Start menu, launch RUN, type in “msconfig” and click OK.
  6. Click on the Startup tab and hit the Disable All button.
  7. Now click OK and exit.
  8. Download SpyHunter to delete all malware.
  9. Restart the PC and install the automatic virus removal application.
Download Remover for Az ön számítógépe blokkolásra került Virus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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