Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit Removal Guide

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Category: Fake Antispyware

Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit is a fake security message that covers the entire screen and does not allow the user to access his desktop. This ransomware notification is a variation of Ukash Virus that has infected a lot of users worldwide. The infection has a number of versions that target users in the US, Canada, Italy, France, Austria, the Netherlands, and now - Germany. Generic ransomware message changes into Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit when the malicious code "reads" user's IP address.

User's location is determined from his IP address and then the infection changes into the localized Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit. However, even if you do not live in Germany, it does not mean you cannot get infected with Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit. Users in France and other countries have also reported cases of Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit's infections.

When this ransomware is installed onto the target computer, the message is displayed instantaneously and computer's screen gets blocked with a threatening notification that the user has been engaged in illegal activities online, and so he has to pay the 100 Euro fine or (literally) go to jail. Here's an excerpt of the message the users see:


Das Betriebssystem wurde im Zusammenhang mit Verstoßen gegen die Gesetze der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gesperrt!

Es wurde folgender Verstoß festgestelltt: Ihre IP Adresse lautet "XX.YYY.WW.ZZ" mit dieser IP wurden Seiten mit pornografischen Inhalten, Kinderpornographie, Sodomie und Gewalt gegen Kinder aufgerufen Auf Ihrem Computer wurden ebenfalls Videodateien mit pornografischen Inhalten, Elementen von Gewalt und Kinderpornografie festgestellt!

Es wurden auch Emails in Form von Spam, mit terroristischen Hintergründen, verschickt. Diese Sperre des Computers dient dazu, Ihre illegalen Aktivitäten zu unterbinden.

Basically it says that your computer has been locked because you have violated the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. It happened because you have visited pages that contained pornography, child pornography, bestiality and violence against children. Not to mention that you "sent" spam email with terrorist background.

Naturally, you should never pay anything to Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit. Do not worry about your files – the ransomware cannot harm them. However you need to remove Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit as soon as possible otherwise your computer will remain locked. You need to restart your computer and load it in Safe Mode with Networking. If you are confident about manual removal, you can try deleting all the files related to the ransomware on your own, but it would be for the best to kill the program at its startup and then download a program that would erase Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit for you.

Simply open Start menu in Safe Mode with Networking and type in “msconfig” to load System Configuration window. Then un-check all the programs that are set to load at the startup and the road is clear. Download a computer security program of choice and terminate Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit with it in Normal mode.

Download Remover for Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit Screenshots:

Bundespolizei National Cyber Crimes Unit


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