Cheetah Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Your operating system cannot be vulnerable. If it is, Cheetah Ransomware and many other malicious threats could try to invade it. Unfortunately, in many cases, Windows users are tricked into executing this malware themselves because it can be disguised to confuse them. For example, the executable of the ransomware could be presented as a document file sent via email. Spam emails are often used for the distribution of malware, but beware that other kinds of attacks could be used as well. The same rules apply to all file-encrypting infections, including Ransomware, Kiratos Ransomware, or BigBobRoss Ransomware, which is the predecessor of the infection we are discussing in this report. If you need to delete Cheetah Ransomware from your operating system, hopefully, you take this as a life lesson, and, hopefully, you become more cautious and take your virtual security more seriously. We discuss that along with the removal of the malicious infection, so keep reading.

Cheetah Ransomware is a file-encryptor, which means that its main task is to find personal files and apply an encryption key to jumble data. Once the file is encrypted, it cannot be read, but, in theory, it should be salvageable with the right decryptor. That is exactly what the attackers behind the infection hold over the heads of their victims. As soon as files are encrypted – you should see an ID prefix and the “.cheetah” extension attached to the original names – you are informed that you have to pay for the decryptor. This is the ransom, and that is why this infection is classified as ransomware. Victims of Cheetah Ransomware are informed about the ransom using “How to recover your files.url” and “How to recover your files.txt” files, which are dropped along with the encrypted files. The .URL file opens a video on YouTube, and the .TXT one is a text file that displays a message.

According to the ransom message supporting Cheetah Ransomware, you have to obtain a “decryption tool” to restore your files. Where is this tool? If it exists, it must be in the hands of cyber criminals. How much does it cost? That is unknown, but the creator of the infection promises to provide you with all information when you email them at Should you send them a message? You should not because that would give cyber criminals the chance to flood you with spam emails and, of course, demand a ransom payment. What would happen if you paid the ransom? Most likely, your files would stay encrypted, but your wallet would be much thinner, so to speak. Luckily, you do not need to make decisions regarding the ransom because a free decryptor exists. Your job is to find the one that actually works. Beware of tools that are fake, cost money, or disguise malware! Of course, even if you restore your files, you have to remove Cheetah Ransomware, and the sooner you do that, the better off you will be.

We have created a manual Cheetah Ransomware removal guide, but we do not know if many victims of this malware will get past the first step. That is because we cannot give you the location or the name of the main launcher file. We simply do not have this information because it could be unique in every case. Deleting the rest of the components should not be too difficult. What’s the alternative? Since erasing the malicious threat manually might be complicated, there is no better time to install anti-malware software than now. In this situation, all existing threats will be removed, but, in the long run, the software will protect you and ensure that you do not face Cheetah Ransomware and similar threats again. If you want to keep talking about this malware, its removal, or the security of your operating system, post a comment below.

How to delete Cheetah Ransomware

  1. Find [unknown name].exe file that launched the infection.
  2. Right-click the malicious file and select Delete.
  3. Right-click and Delete the file named How to recover your files.url.
  4. Right-click and Delete the file named How to recover your files.txt.
  5. Empty Recycle Bin.
  6. Install a legitimate malware scanner.
  7. If malicious threats or ransomware leftovers are found, delete them immediately.
Download Remover for Cheetah Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Cheetah Ransomware Screenshots:

Cheetah Ransomware
Cheetah Ransomware


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