If you search for information on Chitka Pop-ups and how to remove it online, you will definitely be presented with Chitika as well. However, do not be hasty as to believe that Chitka Pop-ups and Chitika have anything in common. Chitika is a legitimate advertising company while Chitka Pop-ups is a piece of adware program that constantly displays pop up advertisements. Usually you would expect the pop-up ads to close after a while, but Chitka Pop-ups ads do not have a close option, and thus, with the advertisements constantly open, user is exposed to possible malware infections.
The reason why Chitka Pop-ups could be responsible for malware infection is because the advertisements displayed may contain links to corrupted websites. One click on such an ad and you will be immediately infected with malware that can seriously jeopardize your PC. What is more, in order to display ads to your liking, Chitka Pop-ups collects information on your internet browsing and if the adware is exploited by a third party, it may collect even such important information as your banking logins and/or passwords!
There is no need to tell you that Chitka Pop-ups enter your system to make easy money. As it collects information on your browsing habits, it makes use of it for marketing purposes by displaying tailored commercial ads. Luckily, it is possible to remove Chitka Pop-ups from your PC manually. Keep in mind that you will also need to check your Hosts file for any possible modifications, because constant pop-ups indicate hosts file modifications.
Instructions for Internet Explorer
Instructions for Mozilla Firefox
Instructions for Google Chrome
Once you are done with manual removal, perform a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner to make sure that all potentially dangerous files have been removed from your system for good.