is an advertising platform, exploited as a network referral ID. The criminals behind it created an adware infection in order to earn money. They can do that by generating web traffic and collecting sales’ leads for their affiliates and sponsors. Internet advertising is a legitimate business; however, the techniques that the developers of the said infection use are nowhere near ethical. The websites that they redirect you to may very well be dangerous and so you should remove immediately.
This adware can usually be tracked to a variety of programs. The latter can get into your computer as a drive-by download, via spam-email and peer-to-peer file sharing websites. Sometimes the criminals manage to make you believe you are downloading a useful and reliable program while in fact, it is infected. This is why having a reliable security program in your computer is so important - it can warn you as soon as you get infected.
When is already in your system, you will be more than aware of its presence. While it does display regular advertisements, it also floods your screen with pop-up ads and flash update boxes. The infection can also redirect you regardless of what Internet browser and search engine you are using. All of the websites that it links you to may be potentially dangerous and cannot be trusted, so it is a good option to delete
The programs listed below have been associated with the adware. However, they are not the only ones that may cause the infection.
If is pestering you, yet you do not see any of these programs installed, it may be because some other program is the source of it. Also, sometimes the programs only act as browser extensions. After you remove and all its components from your computer, it would be smart to scan your system with SpyHunter to make sure you did eliminate all the threats.
Windows 8
Windows Vista/7:
Windows XP:
Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:
Google Chrome: