Confédération Suisse Virus a computer infection which gets to the system as a Trojan horse, more precisely, as Reveton Trojan. The infection has a lot of different interfaces each of which is related to a specific country. A message displayed contains pictures of policemen and emblems of various institutions. In the case of Confédération Suisse Virus, the Swiss police is said to be one of the major participants of the investigation. However, this legal enforcement institution is presented to trick users and make them think that the content of the warning is reliable and legitimate.
Different variants of Confédération Suisse Virus are dubbed according to different headings given in the warning. For example, it could be Bundesamt für Polizei virus or Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus, all of which represent the authoritative institutions of Switzerland.
In addition to the Swiss police (Bundesamt für Polizei), there is the logo of European Cybercrime Centre (EC3). Pay no attention to it as well as to a variety of trademarks presented at the bottom of the warning. Below you will find some examples of how Confédération Suisse Virus tries to deceive you and other unsuspecting users:
Im falle eines selbstständigen versuchs zur entsperrung werden alle ihres datem formatiert, mit ausnahme von den beweisdaten.
Um ihren computer zu entsperren und andere rechtlichen folgen zu vermeiden, sind sie verpflichtet eine strafe in Höhe von 100 euros zu begleichen.
Instead of paying the fine of 100 Euros, you should remove Confédération Suisse Virus from your PC. Do not worry about the warning saying that you may be arrested as the fake message disappears from the screen once you remove the dangerous Trojan. It may connect to malicious servers and download dangerous malware onto your PC not to mention new harmful files which are spread within the system.