EncryptServer2018 Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

EncryptServer2018 Ransomware is one of the newest ransomware-type infections detected by our specialists. It seems that it targets Windows Servers mainly, but ordinary users cannot be careless too because it might successfully slither onto their computers one day if they download software from untrustworthy websites, click on suspicious links, and open malicious attachments from spam emails they get. The entrance of ransomware infections rarely goes unnoticed because these threats make modifications on victims’ computers right after slithering onto their computers. As for EncryptServer2018 Ransomware, it goes to encrypt files it finds on compromised machines right away. It has been set to perform this activity not without reason. This infection has been developed and is now used by cyber criminals to achieve their goals quicker. Speaking specifically, they expect to extract money from users easier with its help. Our researchers are strictly against transferring money to crooks because this might not change anything, e.g. files might still stay encrypted and, on top of that, cyber criminals who always get what they want will never stop developing and releasing new harmful threats. If you have already encountered EncryptServer2018 Ransomware and find it hard to decide what to do, you can send 3 files to crooks to get them decrypted for free, but our piece of advice for you would be not to pay a ransom to get the remaining files unlocked.

It is hard not to notice the entrance of EncryptServer2018 Ransomware because this malicious application locks all files it finds on compromised machines right away. It can lock various files, including important documents, pictures, and music. Files having the .2018 extension appended to them have been affected by this ransomware infection, we can assure you, but it is not the only symptom showing that this specific threat has infiltrated your computer. If you can locate Attention!!!!.txt on your machine too, there is no doubt that this threat is the one responsible for encrypting your personal files. If you read the ransom note, you will find out that the only way to unlock these files is to pay a ransom. Its size is unknown, but we are sure you will find out how much you need to pay for the decryption if you contact cyber criminals by the provided email address. It might be true that paying money to crooks is the only way to get files back, but you should still not make a payment. Yes, you can send 3 files to cyber criminals to get them decrypted for free, but do not pay money for the decryption of all other files because this might never happen. Yes, encrypted files might stay locked even if users send money to crooks, so we highly recommend that you do not spend your money on data decryption.

Ransomware infections are those threats that might be distributed in a bunch of different ways. For example, they might be distributed as attachments inside spam emails. Also, they might enter users’ computers after they click on malicious links they discover while surfing the Internet. Last but not least, they might infiltrate computers if weak RDP credentials are used. Some threats are sneakier than others, so we cannot promise that you could prevent all ransomware-type infections from entering your system even if you already know how they are usually spread. Luckily, our security specialists still know one way to ensure the system’s maximum protection. They say that all users should have a security application enabled on their computers if they do not want harmful malicious software to enter their computers. It should be emphasized that not all security applications that can be downloaded from the Internet are trustworthy, so double-check the tool you are going to install on your computer.

Do not pay the money EncryptServer2018 Ransomware demands and remove this nasty infection from your system right away. You will need to remove the malicious file launched and eliminate Attention!!!!.txt from your Desktop. Unfortunately, files on your computer/server will stay encrypted even if you erase this malicious application fully. The only way to get them back is to restore them from a backup. Sadly, there are no other ways to unlock these files without the special decryptor if you have never backed up your data.

Delete EncryptServer2018 Ransomware

  1. Locate the malicious .exe file (you might find it in %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, or %TEMP% directories).
  2. Delete it.
  3. Remove Attention!!!!.txt dropped by the ransomware infection.
  4. Empty Trash.
  5. Perform a system scan with a diagnostic scanner to check whether EncryptServer2018 Ransomware is deleted fully.
Download Remover for EncryptServer2018 Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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