Eshield Safe Search Removal Guide

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If you have downloaded Eshield Safe Search from its official website, chances are that this browser extension is not the only new addition. Our researchers have found that this browser add-on can be installed with undesirable search tools as well. It is unlikely that you will find any unauthorized changes to you Google Chrome browser, but you might find modifications to the new tab on Firefox, as well as home page and default search provider changes on Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, even if you delete Eshield Safe Search successfully, you might have to attend to undesirable search changes separately.

Eshield Safe Search is identified as a beneficial search tool that is meant to showcase secure search results. However, most users find sponsored links and Ads instead of authentic and reliable search results, which is the main reason computer users choose to remove Eshield Safe Search. Even though Eshield Safe Search promises to create the so-called security layer between you and malicious websites, it seems that this search tool can expose you to security backdoors. Even though we do not claim that all links presented via this search engine are malicious, you certainly should delete Eshield Safe Search if you do not feel that you can trust the services of this suspicious search provider.

The more research was done, the more suspicious Eshield Safe Search became. Our malware analysts found that this supposedly reliable and beneficial search tool also works as an advertising tool! The Privacy Policy discloses that Eshield Safe Search can present you with promotional content, the so-called advertisement contests, and even third-party software. These security backdoors are quite disconcerting, which is why we believe it is best to remove Eshield Safe Search. You should not delay the removal of this potentially unwanted program even if you find that you need to delete other infections. According to our malware researchers, this PUP can be installed with malicious installers, which means that Eshield Safe Search could be installed with programs that might also require removal.

We have created a guide that will help you delete Eshield Safe Search and the related search tools. Usually, it is enough to uninstall Eshield Safe Search to delete it from Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers. In case this does not work, we have added the steps that will help you remove Eshield Safe Search from each of the browsers manually. These instructions also show how to replace undesirable search tools on Internet Explorer. Of course, we do not recommend removing malicious infections manually. Instead, install a tool that will delete all threats automatically, and will keep your operating system protected in the future.

How to delete Eshield Safe Search

Delete from Windows 8.1 and Windows 8:

  1. Open the Charm bar, click Search, and enter Uninstall a program.
  2. In the Uninstall a program menu right-click the program you wish to remove and click Uninstall.

Delete from Windows 7 and Windows Vista:

  1. Move to the Taskbar, click the Windows button, and select Control Panel.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program and right-click the program you wish to remove. Select Uninstall.

Delete from Windows XP:

  1. Navigate to the left of the Taskbar, click the Start icon, and open Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs, select the undesirable program, and click Remove.

Delete from Internet Explorer:

  1. Open Internet Explorer, simultaneously tap Alt+T, and click Manage Add-ons.
  2. Move to Toolbars and Extensions, select the undesirable add-on, and click Disable.
  3. Move to Search Providers, set a new search provider, Remove eShield, and click Close.
  4. Simultaneously tap Alt+T and click Intent Options.
  5. Click the General tab, overwrite/remove the Home Page URL, and click OK.

Delete from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox and simultaneously tap Ctrl+Shift+A to open the Add-ons Manager.
  2. In the menu on the left select Extensions and Remove the undesirable add-on.

Delete from Google Chrome:

  1. Open Google Chrome, simultaneously tap Alt+F, select More tools, and click Extensions.
  2. Click the recycle bin icon on the right of the undesirable add-on and select Remove.
Download Remover for Eshield Safe Search *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Eshield Safe Search Screenshots:

Eshield Safe Search
Eshield Safe Search
Eshield Safe Search


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