Google Redirect Virus Removal Guide

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Category: Malware

Google Redirect Virus is a browser hijacker infection that does not have any common symptoms. We know for sure that this computer threat forcefully redirects users to malware-related websites. Actually, this browser hijacker has more than one name, but security experts agree to call it Google Redirect Virus for the simplicity's sake.

The main payload of Google Redirect Virus is search redirection. Instead of providing the user with search results he was expecting, the infection redirects him to predestined sites. It also can block the user from opening security-related websites, because Google Redirect Virus plans to remain in the infected computer for as long as possible.

One point that should be made clear about Google Redirect Virus though, is that it is not a "virus" per se. Just as it has been mentioned before, it is a browser hijacker. In this case the word "virus" is used synonymously with "infection".

Google Redirect Virus also has something similar to a Trojan and a rootkit, because it enters the system in stealth and does not reveal itself unless the user delves into the system files. Google Redirect Virus is actually closely related to Trojans, because the infection is brought upon the target system by Alureon, Tidserv and other similar Trojan families.

When Google Redirect Virus is installed and running, it injects itself into legitimate processes and registry entries, modifying the hosts file and DNS. Then it redirects you to malicious websites, and you might even end up being infected with rogue antispyware applications (Windows Necessary Firewall is known to be distributed by Google Redirect Virus). You might also find yourself in websites you had no intention of opening, including, and others.

To avoid unwanted consequences of these infections, remove Google Redirect Virus from your computer with a reliable computer security program. Manual removal is a bit of a task, so swift and efficient automatic removal is always recommended to the users infected.

Download Remover for Google Redirect Virus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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