Home.packagesear.ch Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Hijackers

Home.packagesear.ch is an unreliable search engine that we have classified as a browser hijacker because it was designed to replace your browser’s homepage address and other search-related settings to its URL by stealth. Its search results can feature promotional links that can redirect you to potentially malicious websites that may jeopardize your computer and put you at risk and, therefore, uoi ought to remove it. On top of that, this search engine can collect information about you to somewhat customize the promotional links you see in an effort to generate as much as revenue as possible. For more details on Home.packagesear.ch, we suggest you read this whole article.

Home.packagesear.ch is one the hundreds of hijackers released by Polarity Technologies, a company dedicated to making hijackers only. Among the many counterparts of this new hijacker we find Search.testmyspeeds.co, Search.bt-cmf.com, and Search.instantnewsnow.co that were released not so long ago. All of these hijackers are basically clones of each other as they offer nothing new with each new release apart from the toolbars that feature links to websites based on a certain theme that it reflective in the address of the hijacker. In the case of Home.packagesear.ch, it is all about tracking your shipped packages.

As far as the distribution channels of this new hijacker go, we have found that it does not come with an accompanying browser extension like some of its counterparts. It relies on third-party software installers to inject it into your browser without your consent. Certain shady freeware distributers set their installers to install additional content by default, so you can end up with Home.packagesear.ch replacing your browser’s homepage. It will do that for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It cannot hijack Microsoft Edge it have protection against unauthorized changes to the homepage address.

Home.packagesear.ch redirects all entered search terms to a modified Yahoo search engine that will present you with modified, ad-infested search results. Indeed, some of the links might redirect you to questionable and even dangerous sites because the advertising partners of Polarity Technologies have the freedom to promote whatever they want. This is bad news for would-be users as their computer’s can become infected with malware due to misleading promoted links.

We have also found that Home.packagesear.ch was configured to collect information about you in order to customize the ads you see in an effort to show you personalized content that you may be interested in. Polarity Technologies must be paid per-click so it makes sense for them to collect some information to make more money off personalized ads. The collected information can include your IP address, Internet Service Provider (ISP) domain name, browser type, operating system type, browsing history, entered search terms, links clicked and so on. However, you should not allow this hijacker to keep tabs on you because this information is misused for tailoring potentially malicious links.

Home.packagesear.ch is a shady search engine set to replace your browser’s homepage address without your knowledge or consent. It can promote potentially malicious content and also keep tabs on you in order to obtain information for customizing the search results you get. To remove this shady search engine, please see the guide provided below.

Removal Guide

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. Launch the browser.
  2. Hold down Alt+T and click Internet Options.
  3. Erase http://home.packagesear.ch/
  4. Enter a new URL.
  5. Click OK.

Google Chrome

  1. Launch the browser.
  2. Press Alt+F keys.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click Set pages.
  5. Erase http://home.packagesear.ch/
  6. Enter a new URL
  7. Click OK.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch the browser.
  2. Simultaneously press Alt+T.
  3. Click Options and select General.
  4. Erase Home.packagesear.ch and enter a new address.
Download Remover for Home.packagesear.ch *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Home.packagesear.ch Screenshots:


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