Information Resources Management Association Virus Removal Guide

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Category: Malware

Ever since May 2012 the users have been plagued with a great number of ransomware applications. Information Resources Management Association Virus is the newest computer threat that holds the user's computer hostage and then demands a release fee that is supposed to solve all problems. Unfortunately, Information Resources Management Association Virus is not a legitimate program although it does look like a notification delivered by the Information Resources Management Association.

Information Resources Management Association Virus accuses you of viewing, storing and utilizing copyrighted software illegally. The accusations might seem valid to some users, because this notification comes with the McAfee logo that confirms "This site is secure". And since a lot of users still download copyrighted software and media illegally, the accusations could seem legitimate as well. However, there is nothing legal about Information Resources Management Association Virus, it is a ransomware infection that comes from Ukash virus family, and shares the same attack tactics as FBI MoneyPak, European Law Enforcement Agency Virus, Politia Romana Virus and others.

Hence the message delivered by the ransomware should be ignored:

Now your PC is locked by Business Software Alliance trade group and Information Resources Management Association.
Warning! Do not use pirate (forbidden) content.

If you don't pay the fee, all data about using of pirate (forbidden) content, your personal IP address, webcam data (if you use it) will be sent to the self-government, where your case will be considered on an individual basis and appropriate measures will be taken.

You should buy MoneyPack code denominated of 250 dollars.

As you can see Information Resources Management Association Virus expects you to pay 250 USD in order to avoid being prosecuted. It also promises to unlock your computer, but that is never going to happen. Therefore, you are advised to remove Information Resources Management Association Virus with our featured antispyware application as soon as possible. Follow the instructions below to terminate the infection:

Windows Vista & 7:

  1. Restart or turn on your computer and press F8 while system loads.
  2. Select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  3. Open your Internet browser and go to to download SpyHunter.
  4. Install SpyHunter and erase the ransomware.

Windows XP:

  1. Restart your computer and press F8 before Windows logo appears.
  2. Use arrow keys to navigate and select Safe Mode with Networking. Press Enter.
  3. Click to OK when a confirmation box appears.
  4. Access the Internet to download SpyHunter.
  5. Open Start menu and click Run.
  6. Type "msconfig" into the "Open" box and press Enter.
  7. Click Startup tab on System Configuration menu and uncheck all programs on the list. Click OK to save changes and exit the menu.
  8. Restart your computer in Normal mode.
  9. Install SpyHunter and run a full system scan to remove Information Resources Management Association Virus.
Download Remover for Information Resources Management Association Virus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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