KillBot_Virus Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

KillBot_Virus Ransomware is a computer infection that is still in development. The program does not work properly yet, but we can be sure that sometime later in the future we might get assaulted by a finalized version of this intruder. At the moment, the program may cause more stress than damage. It is not complicated to remove it, and you can also acquire a security tool that will help you terminate other potential threats that might be installed on your system. Therefore, even if currently your main problem is KillBot_Virus Ransomware, you should not hesitate to deal with other threats, too.

We use the word “ransomware” in this program’s name, but our researchers suggest that this application is more like a mix between a ransomware application, a wiper, and a virus. It means that it might enter your computer unexpectedly, and it could either destroy your files or encrypt them, waiting for you to pay the ransom. Luckily, KillBot_Virus Ransomware does nothing of the sort because it has not been fully developed yet. You have to take this chance and remove it from your system before the situation falls out of hand. According to our research team, this program has a potential to become something extremely nasty.

Upon the installation, KillBot_Virus Ransomware does not create copies of itself. The moment you launch it, this program will lock up your screen with several images. Most of the images say that your important data was encrypted, and now you have to follow the rules laid down in the note to retrieve your files. Needless to say, these images are simply there to give you a fright because the program cannot encrypt your files (yet).

When we take a look at its code, we can figure out what the developers of this application will want it to do in the future. We know that KillBot_Virus Ransomware eventually should be able to infect executable files. In its code, we found traces of commands that mean it could disable Windows Task Manager, Command Prompt, Control Panel, and Registry Editor. It should eventually encrypt files using the AES encryption algorithm. And it is not like the encryption would target only user files. During our research, we have found that it targets almost everything throughout the entire system. Hence, it is clear why our team says KillBot_Virus Ransomware could be a wiper: it could successfully cripple your system.

However, as of now, the program’s code is small, and most of its features do not even work properly. Perhaps the author is experimenting with various methods that would allow them to damage target systems. So, in order to remove KillBot_Virus Ransomware from your system, you need to delete the file that launched the infection. It will probably be in your Downloads folder, where most of the downloaded data is saved (if you save your downloads in another directory, be sure to check that out, too). Finally, do not forget to scan your computer with a legitimate antispyware application. KillBot_Virus Ransomware might be just one of the many undesirable programs on-board.

How to Remove KillBot_Virus Ransomware

  1. Press Alt+Tab to close the screen message.
  2. Go to your Downloads folder.
  3. Remove the most recently downloaded files
  4. Scan your PC with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for KillBot_Virus Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

KillBot_Virus Ransomware Screenshots:

KillBot_Virus Ransomware

KillBot_Virus Ransomware technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
1KillBot Virus.exe20992 bytesMD5: 7379f368bcbd258116b4b82a741814e4

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
1KillBot Virus.exeKillBot Virus.exe20992 bytes

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