Korps Landelijke Politiediensten virus is a truly clandestine computer threat, because it is managed through surreptitious Trojans and works as a ransomware infection. Generating profit is the main objective behind most of the malicious cyber criminals’ creations; however, this ransomware virus is extremely aggressive and deceptive. If you are careless, this infection can enter the operating Windows system through security gaps exposed by Trojan infections. After this, malicious virus’ components can disrupt the running of your PC and eventually reconfigure the Windows Registry so that every time you turn on the computer all you can see is a fake alert supposedly sent by the Dutch Police. Even access to the Task Manager can be removed, so that you could not disable the bogus warning and delete Korps Landelijke Politiediensten virus from the system.
Here are the key sections of the fictitious alert that is displayed on your PC screen:
Illegale activiteit gedetecteerd!
Uw besturingssysteem is geblokkeerd voor schending van de wetten van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden! […] Om uw computer te ontgrendelen, bent u aansprakelijk tot het betalen van een boete van € 100. De boete moet worden betaald voor 24 uur sinds het vergrendelen van de computer. Als de boete niet binnen de gestelde termijn wordt betaald, zal uw computer in beslag worden genomen, uw zaak te worden gebracht voor de rechtbank en alle gegevens zal worden verwijderd uit de computer.
The fake alert states that you are guilty of viewing and downloading material related to pornographic content, child abuse and bestiality. These accusations are very intense, and if the Police had discovered you performing such activity – you would be contacted in a more personal way. Additionally, the Police would not ask you to pay the unrealistically small fine through Ukash. This is because the money transfer system has been linked to Poliisi virus, Association Canadienne de Policiers virus, Polizei österreich Virus, La policia Espanola virus and tens of other reported infections.
Since it is possible that the virus is managed through Trojans, it would be best to remove Korps Landelijke Politiediensten virus with automatic threat detection and removal tools. Such reliable applications as SpyHunter can delete the virus and guarantee an effective operating system’s protection, so that you would not need to worry about spyware removal again. Follow the guides to install the application.
Windows Vista/7:
Restart the PC.
Windows XP: