Trojan infections are often responsible for infecting you with even more drastic malware. Such ransomware infections as Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus are being distributed by Urausy Trojan, so if your system is not protected against dangerous threats, it is very likely that a small infection could lead to a big one. Then it will become necessary to remove Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus from your computer, because this ransomware application is notorious for locking users out of their computers. In order to restore your desktop access, check out the instructions below this article.
If you are wondering where Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus comes from, the answer is more than obvious – Ukash Virus group. What is more, it is not the very first infection to target computer users in Romania. We have already seen such ransomware programs as Politia Romana Virus and Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat Virus before. The main reason why Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus endorses the symbols of the Romanian law enforcement office is to make an impression that you have really violated national and international laws. The initial effect of the desktop block is emphasized by the notification displayed on your screen:
Calculatorul Dvs este blocat din motivele de securitate specificate mai jos.
Dvs sunteţi acuzat(ă) de vizualizare/stocare şi/sau distribuire a materialelor pornografice cu conţinut interzis (Pornografie infantilă/Zoofilie/Violare, etc.). Dvs aţi ȋncălcat Declaraţia Mondială de combatere a distribuirii pornografiei infantile. Dvs sunteţi acuzat(ă) de comiterea infracţiunii prevăzute de Articolul 161 din Codul Penal al României.
This is only an excerpt of the message delivered by Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus, but the main idea is clear – you have been very bad and so you have to pay. Basically, this infection tries to make you into a criminal, and if you think you have done something wrong, it will be really easy to manipulate you. Not to mention that Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus “gives you” only 48 hours to pay the fine of 300 RON. Otherwise your case will be delivered to the court and your computer will be locked for good.
Naturally, that is only something this infection says. There is no way you could be tried for distributing child pornography, because Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus is a program created by cyber criminals. It is in no way related to Europol or the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance. The infection only wants you to think so, because the more scared a user is the faster he is bound to transfer the ransom fee.
Nevertheless, even if you were to transfer the money, that would no unlock your computer. The only one who can unlock your computer is you. This is where you arrive at the section of the article that has the instructions on how to unlock your desktop. Once you have your desktop access restored, do invest in a powerful computer security program that will terminate Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus automatically and will safeguard your system against similar infections.
Windows 8
Windows Vista & Windows 7
Windows XP
If you do not know how to safeguard your computer against dangerous threats or how to remove Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus on your own, leave a comment below and we will figure the problem out together.