If various pop-ups from the Offers By Context domain (offers.bycontext.com) keep appearing on your screen, it is very likely that you have some kind of unreliable program on your system, such as adware, because the Offers By Context server is used mainly by unreliable applications. It would be shrewd to detect and delete them from the system if you want to stop those Offers By Context pop-ups from appearing. It is very likely that TornTv or other SuperWeb LLC adware programs are present on your system as well. It should not be difficult to remove them; however, we still suggest that you read through this article.
It is very risky to click on any of those Offers By Context pop-ups because you might be taken to different kinds of unreliable websites or download a bunch of untrustworthy applications onto your computer. Not all advertisements will lead you to suspicious websites; however, the possibility of encountering malicious software is there, so it is better to get rid of Offers By Context pop-ups. Research has shown that ads offering to install fake Java or Flash updates might be presented to you via Offers By Context. If you notice them, you should definitely ignore them all. As has already been mentioned, you have to delete the program responsible for their presence in order not to see Offers By Context pop-ups ever again.
It does not matter if you cannot remember downloading software recently because various unreliable programs, which are associated with Offers By Context, might have entered your system without your permission. Actually, many unreliable programs use such tactics nowadays, so you should take care of your computer’s security in advance. It will be enough to install an antimalware tool on your system and keep it enabled. However, you should still be cautious and not download unreliable programs.
Do not worry if you feel that you cannot detect and remove applications responsible for the presence of Offers By Context pop-ups, because we have provided the manual removal instructions to help you. Unfortunately, they will be effective only if you know which program is related to the Offers By Context domain. Another approach is to acquire an antimalware tool, such as SpyHunter. You will have to launch the scanner and then click a single button to confirm the removal of the detected threats. Furthermore, if you invest in this tool, you will not need to worry about your system’s security anymore.
Windows XP
Windows 7 and Vista
Windows 8