PC Speed Test Ads are advertisements that may be provided by websites and adware programs. If you ever find an advertisement which shows you the speed of the computer and suggests implementing a system optimization tool, bear in mind that it may be a hoax. Software distributors use various strategies to attract as many computer users to their websites as possible and such advertisements as PC Speed Test Ads are an example of how you can be tricked.
PC Speed Test Ads do not indicate what application you are supposed to install; instead, they take you to appround.net, which is already known to malware researchers because of the unreliable applications that are promoted on the website. The odds are that the advertisement will offer to install PC Performer, which can supposedly boost the performance of the PC. In fact, the application only attempts to obtain your money. If you have already installed any program available at appround.net, we recommend that you remove it from the computer in order to prevent adverse results, such as slow PC performance, data loss and other adverse consequences.
PC Speed Test Ads are likely to be displayed on unreliable websites which provide computer users with more than one questionable advertisement. One of the websites on which you can find PC Speed Test Ads is tinypic.om. If you like to browse unknown websites and/or try out free programs, your computer should be protected by a powerful anti-spyware program. A seemingly harmless computer application may cause a lot of damage, which could be prevented by a legitimate and reputable computer security tool. Keep in mind that PC Speed Test Ads are not the only advertisements that seek to make computer users install free applications. There are many more advertisements that work in the same way as PC Speed Test Ads, some of with provide computer users with installers which promote more than one program.
It also important to note that in case of an adware program, your browsing behavior may be monitored. The unwanted application may record your search queries, clicks and other non-personally identifiable information.
If PC Speed Test Ads are provided by the websites, the major preventative measure is the ignorance of those websites. However, if some adware program is to blame for the unwanted ads, it is crucial to scan the computer. Our team recommends installing SpyHunter because is capable of terminating adware, browser hijackers, ransomware infections, rogue anti-virus programs and may other threats. Implement the application right now if you want to be sure that you can browse the Internet safely.
Windows 8
Windows XP
Windows Vista and Windows 7