If you live in Italy, make sure that your computer has a reliable anti-spyware, because Polizia Di Stato Virus may attack your PC if you browse the Internet irresponsibly. Keep away from suspicious websites, delete spam emails and do not download free software without checking the legitimacy of the page, because the virus can easily penetrate into an unprotected system. There is no other choice but to remove Polizia Di Stato Virus, because this infection freezes the computer and no actions are possible in contrast to other computer infections that steal or delete information.
Once in the system, Polizia Di Stato Virus locks the system down and shows a fake notification claiming that the PC is blocked. According to the message, the user is accustomed of storing files related to child pornography and child abuse; however, after paying a fine, or rather ransom payment, the false accusations are said to be dismissed:
Nel tuo computer sono stati trovati video-file contenti la pornografia, elementi di violenza e la pornografia minorile.
Dalla posta eletrronica era effettuato anche la distribuzione dello spam con un senso recondito terroristico.
As the message is created to deceive computer users into believing that they may be arrested soon and to make them give their money up to cyber criminals, the removal of the virus is a must. There are many ransomware infections that lock computers down to make users pay “fines” in order to unlock the victimized computers. For example, West Yorkshire Police virus, Investigation Department virus, and Northern Constabulary E-Crime Unit virus are ransomware infections, which are also called as Ukash viruses, because they mainly require the money to be paid through Ukash online paying system. The message of Polizia Di Stato Virus, two services are provided which are Ukash and Paysafecard, and neither of these should be used.
Once you remove Polizia Di Stato Virus from the PC, all the settings of the PC are back to normal, so if you want get rid of the virus, remove it with a reliable spyware removal application. Follow the instructions below to download and install SpyHunter, which will remove Polizia Di Stato Virus with ease:
Windows XP users: