Scarab-Good Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Your head might be spinning from all the threats that could invade your operating system, but you need to be cautious about all of them. Scarab-Good Ransomware is in the center of our attention right now. This threat is fairly new, but it functions just like Scarab-Glutton Ransomware, Scarab-Cybergod Ransomware, and other infections that were created after Scarab Ransomware. This malware is not the most sophisticated or clandestine, but it can silently slither into an operating system and corrupt all personal files found on it. It is a small infection but it is a powerful one, and it can leave Windows users without their files. We take this occasion to remind you just how important it is to back up your files. While we cannot guarantee that you will not face ransomware in the future, we can guarantee that your backup files will stay safe even if the originals are corrupted. Hopefully, backups exist, and you can delete Scarab-Good Ransomware without further delay.

Do you know where the name of Scarab-Good Ransomware comes from? Obviously, the first part “Scarab” comes from the family of malware the infection comes from. The “Good” part derives from the extension (“.good”) that is attached to all files that are corrupted by it. You should find this extension attached to files with crazy names made up of random characters. These are your files. Scarab-Good Ransomware renames the files to make them unrecognizable, but even if you remove the extension and change the name, the encryption will prevail. You need a decryption key to unlock your files, and, unfortunately, we cannot provide you with one. What about the one offered by the creator of the infection? “HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT” is a file that the threat presents to convince victims to contact them and then to pay a ransom for a decryptor. Do you believe that cyber criminals would give you a decryptor after you paid the ransom? If you do, you are naive.

Whether you choose to remove Scarab-Good Ransomware right away, or you first contact the creator at via and then pay the ransom, you want to take care of your operating system. What does that mean? Clearly, there is a security backdoor that allowed Scarab-Good Ransomware in. That means that your operating system is not protected reliably. Malware can spread via malicious installers, fake advertisements, corrupted links, and similar backdoors. Ransomware is also known to use spam emails to access operating systems too. The launcher is hidden in a file attachment, and once it is opened, the infection is executed silently. Other infections can download ransomware as well. Overall, there’s lots of ground to cover if you want to ensure that you do not face malware and have to deal with removal in the future.

Do you know how to delete Scarab-Good Ransomware and protect your operating system at the same time? You can leave it up to anti-malware software. As long as it is trustworthy and up-to-date, it will simultaneously remove the infection and protect your operating system. This is one of the most important things you can do to ensure full protection. Another thing you need to do is back up files to keep them safe in the future. Hopefully, you have this taken care of already, and once you remove Scarab-Good Ransomware, you can quickly access all of your personal photos, documents, and other sensitive files. If you do not want to invest in your virtual security, you will have to eliminate the threat manually, and the instructions you can find below might help you. Just remember that the launcher can be found anywhere, and its name is unknown. If you have questions about the removal process, do not hesitate to leave us a comment below.

How to delete Scarab-Good Ransomware

  1. Delete the {unknown name}.exe launcher file.
  2. Tap Win+E to launch Windows Explorer.
  3. Enter %APPDATA% at the top.
  4. If it is not erased already, Delete a file named OSK.exe.
  5. Delete the ransom note file HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT from all affected folders.
  6. Tap Win+R to launch RUN.
  7. Enter regedit.exe to access Registry Editor.
  8. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\.
  9. Delete the [random name] key created by the ransomware.
  10. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  11. Delete the [random name] value that points to HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT.
  12. As soon as you Empty Recycle Bin, perform a full system scan using a legitimate malware scanner.
Download Remover for Scarab-Good Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Scarab-Good Ransomware Screenshots:

Scarab-Good Ransomware

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