Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Hijackers

If you ever happen to come across a program that goes by the name of, be sure not to download or install it since it is an invasive piece of software. If unfortunately, it is already up and running on your personal computer, be sure to execute its complete removal right away. We urge you to do so because this application is one more intrusive search engine. It is fully capable of making unwanted and otherwise suspicious changes to your browser's default settings without any notification or authorization. In turn, due to such functionality, surfing the web will become a much more annoying and frustrating experience. In fact, in some cases, this devious program could even prove to be quite dangerous since it might be the reason your operating system might be exposed to suspicious and otherwise malicious web content. To delete quickly and easily, make sure to follow the instructions that we present below.

The overall functionality of relies heavily on a third-party browser extension. The devious plug-in is installed as soon as this invasive piece of software enters your operating system. It works in a relatively simple manner since it triggers the alteration of your default search engine; also, this devious extension maintains this change. One of the most annoying things in regards to all of this is the fact that you are in no way warned about the alteration or even asked to authorize it. Once the modification is in place, some user might still not think that it is a big deal. Unfortunately, in reality, this change will have a profoundly negative effect on the way you experience the web. Having this devious program active on your personal computer means that for as long as it will be active on your PC, you will be simply forced to use a questionable third-party search engine for all your online queries, whether you want that or not. Due to such devious functionality, browsing the Internet will become an annoying and frustrating task, to put it lightly. In fact surfing the web the way you are used to will be impossible. What causes even more frustration is the fact that this search engine might provide you with tons of sponsored results that might have nothing to do with your query. By now it should be more than obvious why our researchers highly advise you to delete as soon as it is found up and running on your PC.

While primarily causes annoyance and frustration, you must know that there is something much more alarming about this program. Further investigation of this devious search engine has revealed that using it could prove to be quite dangerous. As it turns out, some of the result presented by it could be modified, meaning that some of them might host redirect links, which could lead you to suspicious and even potentially malicious websites. For instance, there is a chance that you could end up on a fake online shop. Malware developers carefully create such stores for a single reason - to steal your credit card data or other sensitive information. Also, you could end up on a web page that runs something known as an arbitrary code execution exploit. Unfortunately, just landing on such a site could be enough to infect your PC with some unknown malware. That is so because the mentioned exploit can trigger a remote installation without the user's consent. While search results embedded with redirect links do not occur often, the possibility to come across one remains. Do not take any chances with and conduct its complete removal if you value your virtual security and sensitive information.

You can easily delete by following the instructions that we present below. Keep in mind that you must terminate every single bit linked to this devious search engine; otherwise, it could continue to bother you. To be sure that every single bit of has been removed from your personal computer, you need to examine your operating system for anything related to this intrusive application. If you find such analysis of your PC and the removal process, in general, a bit too complicated, make sure to use a professional antimalware tool to delete completely in a fully automated manner.

How to remove from your PC

Google Chrome

  1. Start your web browser.
  2. Click the Chrome Menu button.
  3. Select More tools and click Extensions.
  4. Click the Trash can icon next to the unwanted extension.
  5. Select Remove to confirm your choice.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Click the Menu button and select Add-ons.
  3. Select Extensions.
  4. Click the Remove button next to the suspicious extension to remove it.

Internet Explorer

  1. Launch your web browser.
  2. Click the Menu button and select Manage add-ons.
  3. Select Toolbars and Extensions.
  4. Locate the unwanted extension and click Remove.
Download Remover for *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter. Screenshots:

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