Security Bytes 2015 is yet another rogue anti-spyware tool, which is a major virtual threat that should be removed once it is discovered running on your operating system. Even though it may seem like a legitimate anti-spyware tool, you should know that it is an invasive and dangerous tool, which was crafted by cyber criminals in order to profit illegally. Do not trust anything that Security Bytes 2015 presents you with as it could have devastating outcomes. In reality, the only actual infection that needs to be removed from your PC is Security Bytes 2015 itself and it should be done ASAP. Read the rest of the article and find out how Security Bytes 2015 functions and how it can be removed completely from your operating system.
Security Bytes 2015 exhibits numerous alarming features, which you will notices as soon as this malicious program is up and running on your operating system. First of all your system will be scaned for alleged virtual security threats. Keep in mind that all the presented results after the scan are fake and should not be trusted under any circumstances, as they are used as a scare tactic in order to fool you into buying an utterly worthless and fake anti-spyware application.
You will also notice that most of the applications on your PC such as instant messaging programs, web browsers, media players and quite a few others are not functioning whatsoever. This is so because Security Bytes 2015 blocks .exe, as it is another scare tactic employed by cyber crooks. If you try to open any of the mentioned applications you will be shown a message telling you that it is unsafe to use the application. Do not get tricked by this as well, because, in reality, all your applications are actually safe to use. Furthermore, such important application like the Task Manager and the Windows Registry Editor will be blocked as well, so the removal process could turn out to be quite tricky. Do not worry as we provide a comprehensive removal guide that is easy to use.
It is paramount to remove Security Bytes 2015, if you wish to restore the normal functionality of your operating system. But that is not the only reason removal of Security Bytes 2015 is must. The research has also reveled that this intrusive malware could attack other potentially malicious applications, while being used as a backdoor. If you wish to have a system, that is clean, secure, and fully functioning, do not hesitate and delete Security Bytes 2015 once and for all.
Remove Security Bytes 2015 from Windows 7 and Windows Vista
Remove Security Bytes 2015 from Windows 8