SpeedCheckApp Removal Guide

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Category: Adware

SpeedCheckApp is an adware application that is trying to masquerade as a great tool to check your Internet speed. Even if it does have a semi-working speed meter, the truth is that the primary purpose of this adware is to spam your browser window with commercial advertisements. In this, like in all other features, SpeedCheckApp is identical to SpeedChecker, Speedcheckme, TestSpeeder, and Ineedspeed. Keeping this information in mind, we urge you to consider immediate removal of SpeedCheckApp.

We have to acknowledge that SpeedCheckApp is quite different from many adware applications like NeonGreat or Solution Real made by SuperWeb LLC, as it actually does something besides from flooding you with commercial advertisements. With that said, if you want a speed checker, there are many superior applications on the Internet. With only one questionable advantage over the more common adware, there should be no question that SpeedCheckApp needs to be uninstalled from your system. The quicker you do it, the better.

Some computer users may raise doubts about the danger that adware presents. It is a fair problem to discuss. While we have to agree, that adware is not typically harmful or malicious, the fact is that its developers disclaim any responsibility for the contents of its partners’ websites. Our proposition is this: it is not the adware itself that is dangerous. It is the content it exposes you to. Adware-generated advertisements have been known to indirectly cause malware infections on its users’ computers. All you need to do to get dangerous threats on your system is to click a dodgy link generated by SpeedCheckApp and before you know it, your web browser could get hijacked or the adware could start multiplying. Avoid these problems altogether by removing SpeedCheckApp from your computer.

It is not difficult to delete SpeedCheckApp by hand. The problem is that you can never know for certain if your computer contains any more threats. For all you know, you could have downloaded and installed some additional adware or other undesirable programs when you clicked on SpeedCheckApp ads. The best way to know for sure is to get a professional antispyware removal tool. This program can scan your files and registry. It will find all threats and remove them from your system with one click of the mouse. SpeedCheckApp will be among the programs deleted, saving you the bother of doing it yourself. If you are sure that you want to uninstall SpeedCheckApp yourself, the instructions are provided below.

SpeedCheckApp Removal

Windows XP

  1. Go to the Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Click Add or Remove Programs, select SpeedCheckApp and click Remove.

Windows 7 and Windows Vista

  1. Click the Windows button, go to Control Panel and select Uninstall a program.
  2. Right-click SpeedCheckApp and click Uninstall.

Windows 8

  1. Right-click the bottom-left corner of your Desktop and go to Control Panel.
  2. Click Uninstall a program.
  3. Uninstall SpeedCheckApp.
Download Remover for SpeedCheckApp *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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