Think carefully before accepting Speedial Search as the new home page or default search provider of your Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers. This is the search tool related to the Speedial toolbar and extensions. Where can you download them from? Unfortunately, the official website does not present working installers. Despite this, most computer users acquire the software when it is represented by third party installers. For example, SourceForge presents the FileZilla installer which automatically enables home page/default search/new tab modifications and installs extensions. This activity is not considered to be malicious because you have the option to decline undesirable additions. Have you downloaded them without much thought? Well, we can help you delete Speedial Search.
If you accept all recommended/suggested installers, the home page and the default search provider on your browsers should be changed to This search engine is not considered to be a browser hijacker; however, trusting it is not recommended either. The most important reason behind this is the suspicious online advertising. The so-called ‘Ads related to’ are actually links to the websites which belong to third-party affiliate companies. Some of these companies may be authentic and promote real, even beneficial services, and others could be unreliable, present misleading information and even trick you into downloading other undesirable software onto the computer.
If you have used Speedial Search already, you must have noticed that not all search tools provided at the top of the home page represent the services of Speedial. In fact, these search tools are meant to route you to,, and the search pages of Yahoo and Google. Malware researchers indicate that other suspicious search engines, including and, act in the exact same manner. Even though some computer users may believe that access to multiple services is beneficial, our malware researchers also indicate that you need to be extremely cautious. In fact, Speedial Search removal is the task that is recommended to all users.
Is your operating system protected reliably? If it is, you must have been warned that Speedial software is not exactly reliable. We recommend installing authentic security software to have the operating system guarded against adware, malware and other undesirable programs at all times. Nonetheless, in order to have Speedial Search removed, we suggest using the guides below. These manual removal instructions will help you get rid of Speedial Search and then Speedial extensions which may have been installed alongside.
Delete from Windows 8:
Delete from Windows Vista & Windows 7:
Delete from Windows XP:
Remove from Google Chrome:
Remove from Internet Explorer:
Remove from Mozilla Firefox: