SpeedTest3 Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Extensions

You do not need an application or an extension to test the speeds of your Internet bandwidth. However, extensions like SpeedTest3 exist, and some people are fooled into downloading them. Instead of trusting free speed-testing services that are available online, these people download add-ons or software hoping that it will somehow offer a superior service. In many cases, such software comes bundled with more attractive programs, and people just download it without suspecting a threat. Unfortunately, while some programs are harmless, others can be intrusive, annoying, and, worst of all, malicious. In this report, we show how to delete SpeedTest3 because we believe that this extension is intrusive and unreliable. Keeping it installed could jeopardize your virtual security, and so the best thing you can do is remove it immediately.

At the time of research, SpeedTest3 could be downloaded onto Chrome and Firefox browsers only, which is what the removal guide below reflects. If you find that you need to get rid of this advertising-supported program – or “adware” – from a different browser, you should leave us a comment below. As we mentioned already, there is a chance that you might have downloaded SpeedTest3 using a bundled installer. If that has happened, install a malware scanner and examine your operating system right away because you do not want to overlook serious threats. If you did not use a third-party installer, you must have downloaded the extension from speedtest3.com or the Chrome web store (the installer can be found at chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/speedtest3-ads/gfpioeglfjecbkeeomdidlndcagpbmjf). Even if it is the only unwanted program on your computer, you should not waste any time to initiate removal. Unfortunately, the app looks completely harmless, and since it does show Internet speeds, Chrome and Firefox users might choose to trust it. Of course, if you keep it around, you should start seeing “Ads by Speedtest3,” and that is not a good sign.

More cautious users should not be surprised to see more ads after installing SpeedTest3 because the information supporting this adware reveals that ads would be shown. For example, the information presented along with the Chrome web store installer suggests that ads are shown on the web so that the creator of adware could continue offering free services. The Privacy Policy – which is one document you should read before installing any new add-on or program or before using any new online service – also informs about the placement of ads. This document also reveals information about how SpeedTest3 handles your privacy. News flash: not so well. First of all, the ad-supported program records personal information, and that is very intrusive. Second, it admits to sharing this info with third parties, and we know nothing about these. What if malicious parties are able to gather information about you and your virtual activity? Without a doubt, that is something you want to avoid at all cost.

If you want to test your speeds, find a trustworthy online tester. Do not use a suspicious application or add-on that can track your virtual activity, share information about you with undisclosed parties, as well as show ads that might be useless and even misleading. We suggest that you remove SpeedTest3 from your operating system if it is installed on your Chrome or Firefox web browser. You can use the instructions below to eliminate this adware manually, but you can also use anti-malware software. If you do not see a point in using it, you need to look at the big picture. Is your operating system secured? Are you able to protect it against adware and more dangerous malware? Can you erase all existing threats? The right anti-malware tool will inspect your operating system, delete every single malicious file, and it will also guarantee full protection, which is the most important thing.

N.B. If you follow the guides below, we suggest clearing the browsing data too to eliminate any persistent cookies that might be used by adware to track you.

How to delete SpeedTest3

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Launch Firefox and enter about:addons into the address bar.
  2. Click the Remove button next to the undesirable extension.
  3. Simultaneously tap keys Ctrl+Shift+Delete to access the Clear Recent History menu.
  4. Choose the time range and boxes and then click the Clear Now button.

Google Chrome:

  1. Launch Chrome and enter chrome://extensions/ into the address bar.
  2. Click the Remove button next to the undesirable extension.
  3. Simultaneously tap keys Ctrl+Shift+Delete to access the Clear browsing data menu.
  4. Choose the time range and boxes and then click the Clear data button.
Download Remover for SpeedTest3 *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

SpeedTest3 Screenshots:



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