Suspended Ransomware Removal Guide

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Suspended Ransomware is indeed the new version of Stop Ransomware, which was first detected only a good two months ago. Yet, there is a new version already taking its hostages and causing possibly irrevocable file damage to its victims. Although you may believe that paying the relatively high ransom fee will give you your files back, we highly doubt that. In fact, experience shows that such attackers only rarely care enough to send the key. It is more likely that they will send another dangerous threat, to be frank. No wonder why we keep emphasizing the need for a backup so that you can always feel secure. Nowadays cloud services are very trendy but using a removable hard disk is also a good idea. But before using such a backup, you must remove Suspended Ransomware to be able to restore your system and your files. Please read on to learn more about this dangerous infection and how you can avoid such hits in the future.

Probably the most likely way for you to infect your computer with a ransomware program is to open a spam mail and view its attachment. This malware infection can pose as an image or text document attached to a spam mail. You are led to believe that opening this attachment is the only way for you to learn more about an allegedly urgent and important matter that is set up by the subject of this mail. This subject can claim that you have an outstanding invoice, an unpaid speeding ticket, an undeliverable parcel, or your bank has detected suspicious transactions on your account. Any of these would be likely to make anyone wonder about the details. This is pure psychology. And, this is why victims end up having to delete Suspended Ransomware from their system even though it cannot help anyone with the real issue of encryption. In other words, by the time you realize what has happened, it is too late to act anyway. Still, it is important that you delete this ransomware immediately for the restoration of your system.

Cyber crooks can also infect you with such a dangerous infection via shady torrent or freeware sites, but they can create malicious pages using Exploit Kits, too. In the latter case, you may land on one after clicking on corrupt third-party content. What you need to remember is that landing on a malicious site armed with Exploit Kits is like infecting your computer behind your back. This is what actually happens since such a site can drop this ransomware or any other the moment the page loads in your browser. The only condition for this type of malicious attack to work, though, is that your browsers or your drivers need to be out of date. In other words, you can avoid having to remove Suspended Ransomware and losing your files if you keep your programs regularly updated.

Our tests show that this new version also applies the combination of AES and RSA-1024 algorithms to encrypt your important files. There are a few basic differences between the two versions. The first one is that this new version uses ".SUSPENDED" as the extension to mark the encrypted files while the previous one used ".STOP" as its name suggests. Another difference is the name of the ransom note. In this case, it is called "!!!RestoreProcess!!!.txt" and the previous one was called "!!!YourDataRestore!!!.txt." The e-mail addresses used by these crooks also differ. This version instructs you to send an e-mail to "" with up to 3 small files to have them decrypted for free so that you can have proof. Then, you have to pay 600 dollars in the next 72 hours to supposedly get the private key plus decryption software. You may believe that you would be able to recover your files if you pay, but we certainly do not recommend that. We believe that you should remove Suspended Ransomware right away.

Fortunately, it is not like brain surgery to eliminate this ugly threat from your computer. We have a general guide for you below if you would like to go after this infection manually. Of course, there is a more efficient way to fight against malware. You can always use a decent malware removal application like SpyHunter to automatically safeguard your PC against all kinds of existing threats.

How to remove Suspended Ransomware from Windows

  1. Press Win+E.
  2. Search your default and preferred download directories for suspicious executable files you have saved recently.
  3. Delete all suspicious files, including the ransom note.
  4. Empty your Recycle Bin.
  5. Restart your PC.
Download Remover for Suspended Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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