Text Enhance is an adware program that is related to Text-Enhance service. It is an official advertising service that categorizes itself as "plug-in" and complies to the Internet security laws and even provides a list of cookies it uses on its official website to let the Internet users know what they are dealing with. Hence, if the user sees Text Enhance links on his page, it does not mean that his computer is injected or that the webpage has been hacked. It means that the website you have opened is using the intext advertising platform.
Text Enhance advertisements appears in a text. Some of the words are underlined and it seems as though you are offered an explanation or further reading, but when you hover your mouse above the word, you will see that it is actually a commercial advertisement. The official website of Text-Enhance claim that you can opt-out of the service and disable the links if you want do. However, according to the FAQ section, you need to ad textsrv.com to your software exclusion list for cookie removal if you want the Text Enhance links gone, because the op-out function is cookie-based.
Even though Text Enhance does not download malware, and the website itself offers only the sign up function, the users are advised to be cautious with the service itself. Users of such social networking websites as wordpress or tumblr often complain seeing the Text Enhance links even though they have not signed up for the service. Sometimes it happens, when they reblog a post of a person who have the Text Enhance's Java script injected into his page.
If you also see pop-up advertisements appear when you browse the Internet, then we strongly recommend downloading SpyHunter to perform a full system scan. Text Enhance is not supposed to display pop-up advertisements, and it could be possible that your computer is infected with other malware as well. Be cautious about this advertisement platform and remove all suspicious files from your computer right now.