Trojan.FraudPack Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Sometimes the same computer infection can be called differently, based on which antivirus detects it. For example, Trojan.FraudPack is else known ad Trojan:Win32/Yektel. In general, this computer infection belongs to a big family of Trojans that infect systems behind users' backs and then display a wide range of fake security warnings. The warnings are displayed in order to convince computer users that they need to purchase a fake antivirus program such as XP Antivirus or Antivirus 2010, because Trojan.FraudPack is closely related to Win32/FakeXPA that is another name for an extensive family of rogues (fake AVs).

Although usually Trojan presence in the affected system is hard to detect, it is slightly different with Trojan.FraudPack, because of the fake security notifications it displays. Also, the presence of such files as explorer32.exe or ieupdates.exe can also indicate the infection. Naturally, Trojan.FraudPack modifies the registry to load automatically each time you turn on your computer. What is more, this Trojan can download and install a DLL file that functions as a Browser Helper Object (BHO), thus performing undesirable redirections on your browser.

Once Trojan.FraudPack is installed, it displays a list of fake messages that urge unsuspecting user to download and purchase a fake antivirus program. For example, some of these messages might appear at the top of your browser window and they look like a general Internet Explorer drop-down message, saying:

The page you are opening is probably contains spyware, adware, etc... Your system might be at risk, Click here to protect our system with Antivirus 2009.

Naturally, if you click the link you will get infected with fake antivirus. Trojan.FraudPack can display fake web page warnings as well, making you think that the website you are trying to access is corrupted:

Internet Explorer Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!

Most likely causes:

  • The website contains exploits that can launch a malicious code on your computer
  • Suspicious network activity detected
  • There might be an active spyware running on your computer

If users visits web site that is related to malware, Trojan.FraudPack does not display any kind of warning. These malicious websites include:


To put it simply, you need to remove Trojan.FraudPack from your PC immediately, once you notice any fake notification on your browser. Do not click on the links displayed in these messages, because you will be infected with even more dangerous threat that targets your money. Perform a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner to see exactly what kind of threats are present in your system, and then acquire a reliable antimalware program to terminate Trojan.FraudPack and other infections once and for all.

Download Remover for Trojan.FraudPack *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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