Trojan.Startpage.VH Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Trojan.Startpage.VH is a dangerous computer infection that violates your privacy as it is installed without your knowledge. If you do not have a reliable spyware removal tool, you may not be able to learn about its presence as it runs in the background of the system. However, in case your security software has detected Trojan.Startpage.VH on your PC, do not wait and remove from the compute to prevent damage that may be done to the computer.

Tens of harmful files are known to be associates with the Trojan horse in question, some of them you may find running in the Windows Task Manager. It may be difficult to manually find the majority of the files as they use rootkit techniques to hide themselves from security programs. The files that you may not find easily are such as lollipop.exe, wininit.exe, auccache.exe, and some other. Moreover, some of the components of Trojan.Startpage.VH may bear the names of legitimate system file, which is why instead of manual removal you should choose a spyware removal tool which will examine the files of the system and identify the malicious ones.

It is essential that you remove Trojan.Startpage.VH as this threat can disable Windows Security Center notifications, alter the settings of Firewall, disable Safe Mode, monitor and record what websites are visited by the user. As a result, the collected data can be sent to remote attackers. Moreover, the threat may download new files which are installed without your approval in order to start new malicious processes.

One of the malicious files that pretends to be a Windows file bears the name of lssas.exe, which is located in the System32 folder. If you find this file outside the mentioned directory, it is likely that you have found the dangerous file which can record your data inputs, initiate spam email attacks, restrict access to some parts of the system, and perform other illegal actions.

The removal of Trojan.Startpage.VH is the only wise move that you should make in order to prevent unwanted consequences. However, it is not enough to delete Trojan.Startpage.VH as the same or a very similar infection may attempt to affect the system in the near future. Our advice is to use SpyHunter as this spyware removal tool can terminate the infection and fight various computer infections off.

Download Remover for Trojan.Startpage.VH *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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