Uta Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

What do you do when you get infected with Uta Ransomware? Well, you most certainly do not lie down, roll, and try not to cry. Of course, getting infected with ransomware can be a daunting experience, but there’s no use of crying over spilled milk. If your files were encrypted, then that’s that. Right now, you need to focus on removing Uta Ransomware from your system, and when you are done with that, please protect your computer from similar threats in the future. To protect yourself from a ransomware infection, you need to find out more about their nature.

The truth is that we have already written about similar infections before. Uta Ransomware is yet another version of Jack Ransomware, MGS Ransomware, Save Ransomware, and many other infections from the same group. Since this family of ransomware infections is quite well-known, there is a good chance that a public decryption tool will be made available. At the same time, you shouldn’t bet too much on that because it’s rather hard to develop these decryption tools.

In fact, the best remedy against a ransomware infection is a precaution. You need to bar Uta Ransomware from entering your system, and the best way to do it is by deleting the spam email it comes with. Yes, ransomware infections are usually distributed via spam email attachments, and believe it or not, users tend to open these malicious attachments willingly.

Most of the time, it happens because the spam emails look sophisticated, and they masquerade as official notifications from reliable parties. However, if you haven’t been expecting any kind of important message, perhaps you should scan that received file with a security tool of your choice before you open it. After all, this way, you would definitely protect yourself from Uta Ransomware and other infections.

Now that we are past this let’s see at what happens if Uta Ransomware really encrypts your files. Perhaps it goes without saying that when the encryption is complete, it is impossible to access your files. Your system simply cannot read them anymore. If you do not have copies of your files saved someplace else, it might feel quite devastating. Nevertheless, there might still be ways to restore at least some of your files, so if you feel like you’ve run out of options, do not hesitate to address a local professional, who would help you with that.

Whatever you do, do not follow the instructions in the ransom note that Uta Ransomware drops on your desktop. The ransom note tells you to contact the criminals behind this infection, while the background image that Uta Ransomware puts on your desktop, tells you more about the infection itself:

All your files have been encrypted!

All your files have been encrypted due to a security problem with your PC. If you want to restore them, write us to the e-mail jacklee@airmail.cc
Write this ID in the title of your message [INFECTION ID]
In case of no answer in 24 hours write us to theese e-mails: jacklee73@mail.ua

Although there are at least two email addresses that you should be able to use, please refrain from contacting these criminals. Simply remove Uta Ransomware from your computer, and then focus on restoring your files. If you do not feel confident enough about manual removal, you can always terminate the infection with a reliable antispyware application. What’s more, the security tool of your choice will help you safeguard your system against various threats in the future. You just have to help it a little bit by reviewing and upgrading your web browsing habits.

How to Delete Uta Ransomware

  1. Press Win+R and enter %APPDATA%. Press OK.
  2. Remove the Info.hta file and navigate to Microsoft\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
  3. Remove the Info.hta enter %TEMP%. Press OK.
  4. Remove the most recent files from the directory.
  5. Delete the most recent files from Desktop.
  6. Open the Download folder and remove the most recent files.
  7. Scan your computer with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Uta Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Uta Ransomware Screenshots:

Uta Ransomware
Uta Ransomware


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