Computer users might find Wallpaper Changer very useful because it promises to display your Facebook photos on your desktop. This software itself has been published by Digital Distribution and it is aimed particularly at Facebook users. Even though the program might seem decent, you should not trust it blindly because it is known to be a potentially unwanted application. Of course, the program itself is not very serious malware; however, you should still be cautious because there are many complaints regarding this application. If you have already found it useless or just do not like it for any reasons, you should definitely delete Wallpaper Changer from the system. If you do not know how to do that, you should definitely continue reading the article.
Wallpaper Changer can be downloaded from its official website; however, the specialists of have implemented a research and found out that the majority of computer users feel that Wallpaper Changer has appeared out of nowhere. Thus, it can be suggested that this program usually travels bundled with other applications, for instance, freeware. We do not recommend trusting programs that have entered the system without your permission; thus, you should better not keep Wallpaper Changer on your system as well if you have not downloaded and installed it yourself.
In order to avoid similar programs in the future, you should download software from reliable sources only not to mention the necessity to find out whether the program is trustworthy. In addition to this, it is extremely important to install applications attentively in order to notice the information that additional programs are going to be installed and thus be able to decline the installation. Of course, the most reliable way is to keep an antimalware tool enabled; however, you should make sure that it is reliable.
Wallpaper Changer is not going to act as promised, which is why we recommend that you erase it from the system. The easiest way to do that is to scan the system with a reliable antimalware tool. An automatic malware remover will not only delete Wallpaper Changer, but also erase other threats from your system. You should know that it is also possible to erase it manually via Control Panel (the instructions provided below the article will help you). However, we still advise that you scan your system with a reliable scanner because there might be other threats hiding on your system that might act in an undesirable way.
Windows XP
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