WCH Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

If you suspect that WCH Ransomware has invaded your Windows operating system, all you have to do is check the names of your personal files. You should find the original names, but a new extension – “.id-{ID code}.[wecanhelpu@tuta.io].wch”– should be added as well. If you can see this extension, you know which threat has invaded your system and corrupted your documents, photos, and other important files. While you might argue that all files are important, system and software files can be replaced, reinstalled. Personal files, on the other hand, cannot be replaced that easily, if at all. Sure, you might be able to get some photos from your family, friends, or social accounts, and copies of important documents might exist on your work computer or a virtual cloud. However, the attackers behind the infection expect that you have no backups or copies and that you will comply with their demands. Instead of doing that, we suggest deleting WCH Ransomware.

WCH Ransomware is very similar to 8800 Ransomware, NCOV Ransomware, SySS Ransomware, and other well-known threats that are all part of the Crysis/Dharma Ransomware family. They all spread with the help of security vulnerabilities and backdoors that users themselves leave unpatched and open. If you want to keep WCH Ransomware and similar threats away, it is imperative that you are proactive about your virtual security. If you just go with the flow and expect for the best outcome, you are unlikely to evade malware. The worst part about this particular ransomware is that it can invade your system without you fully realizing it. Yes, you might be tricked into executing it yourself by opening a spam email attachment, but the launcher could be concealed as something harmless. If security software is placed, it should uncover the infection and remove it before anything bad happens. However, if your system is not protected, the infection is free to invade and encrypt your personal files.

After your files are corrupted – which is done by scrambling their data to make them unreadable – WCH Ransomware launches a window. This window displays a message, according to which, you must email wecanhelpu@tuta.io or wecanhelp2@protonmail.com (backup email) if you want to get your files back. Although the main message does not reveal that victims would be instructed to pay a ransom after they contacted the attackers, the “Attention” section informs that “price” would increase if third-party decryption tools were involved. This is how WCH Ransomware has to intimidate its victims because a free decryptor has been created. Rakhini Decryptor is the tool that is meant to assist all Crysis/Dharma victims, and while we know that it works, we do not know if it can decrypt files in every case. If you find that this tool does not work for you, it is a good idea to store the encrypted files somewhere safe and keep checking in to see whether the tool was updated. All of this is unnecessary if you can replace the corrupted files yourself. Hopefully, you use external backups, and copies of all sensitive files can be retrieved after the removal of the infection. This is the first thing you need to deal with.

The launcher of WCH Ransomware might have been dropped pretty much anywhere. The manual removal guide below lists a few of the most common directories, where new files are downloaded. Note that you can delete all files in %TEMP%. Additionally, the guide also shows how to remove the Info.hta file and also a malicious .exe file with a random name. As you can see, the manual removal of WCH Ransomware is not a straightforward process, and if you cannot identify all components, you might fail. This is not a problem because even if you are experienced and can erase malware manually, installing trusted anti-malware software is the smart thing to do. This is the software you need if you want your operating system protected not only from ransomware but also from trojans, backdoors, keyloggers, viruses, and other kinds of threats that are constantly looking for new security cracks.

How to delete WCH Ransomware

  1. Remove recently downloaded files from these directories:
    • %TEMP%
    • %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
    • %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
  2. Access the %APPDATA% directory.
  3. Right-click and Delete the file named Info.hta.
  4. Access the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ directory.
  5. Right-click and Delete the Info.hta and {unknown name}.exe files.
  6. Empty Recycle Bin to complete the process.
  7. Employ a legitimate malware scanner to help you look for potential leftovers.

N.B. To access the listed directories, enter them into the File Explorer’s quick access field. To access this utility, simultaneously tap Windows and E keys on the keyboard.

Download Remover for WCH Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

WCH Ransomware Screenshots:

WCH Ransomware


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