Windows Proactive Safety Removal Guide

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Category: Fake Antispyware

Windows Proactive Safety is a fraudulent application which might sneak in the system unnoticed. If you care about the food you consume, you should also care about the applications that enter your computer’s system. Windows Proactive Safety is a copy of Windows Security Web Patch and other malicious applications which are attributed to a rogue family which goes by the name of Rogue.VirusDoctor family. If you notice that your system does not work as usual, or that you cannot launch a particular application, it is a sign that the system is infected. More importantly, if you see that Windows Proactive Safety presents suspicious information, delete this infection at once.

The rogue is created to deceive you into buying an absolutely unnecessary and fake “full” version of Windows Proactive Safety. The malware employs various scare tactics to persuade you to believe that you are at risk. The system of the computer is supposedly scanned, and bogus infections such as Backdoor.Win32.Rbot, Trojan.Win32.Qhost and others are presented. Note that these infections are not present on your computer, and you should not try to remove them. Moreover, you should ignore such bogus notifications:

Attempt to run a potentially dangerous script detected. Full system scan is highly recommended.

Software without a digital signature detected. Your system files are at risk. We strongly advise you to activate your protection.

Keylogger activity detected. System information security is at risk. It is recommended to activate protection and run a full system scan.

If the rogue only displayes bogus messages, it would be possible to use the computer even if it would be quite annoying to get various simulated messages. However, the notifications are just a part of what the rogue is capable of. Windows Proactive Safety manipulates Windows users into believing that the system is infected by limiting the accessibility to certain applications and the Internet. For example, the Internet is disabled so that the information about removal of a rogue cannot be reached. Task Manager, Registry Editor and certain executable files are also disabled. Due to the absence of Task Manager and Registry Editor, users cannot view processes of the system and delete malicious entries from Registry Editor. The malicious registry entries disable executable files and do not allow users to launch the files to run system scans. Do not trust Windows Proactive Safety and do not acquire its fake full version, because the purchasing of the rogue means that the cyber criminals behind the rogue records your financial information such as credit card number, CVV or passwords entered in the purchase form. Moreover, you lose your money, and the only infection Windows Proactive Safety still remains in the system.

Instead of purchasing the fake version and removing imaginary threats, remove Windows Proactive Safety itself. First, activate it with the key 0W000-000B0-00T00-E0020 to make the rogue restore the hidden tools and stop displaying bogus messages so that you can delete it manually. Remove the constituents of the rogue and ensure that the system is not exposed to risk again.

If manual removal is a “mission impossible”, remove this infection automatically. A removal tool such as antispyware is the best option for deleting Windows Proactive Safety. The rogue is removed after a thorough scan, and protection of the system is ensured at the same time. This way of removal is suitable for every computer user, because all the cumbersome operations related to the disposal of Windows Proactive Safety are performed by antispyware. Note, that you should use a legitimate removal tool, because only a legal application will solve the problem.

Download Remover for Windows Proactive Safety *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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