If you have not downloaded WinOff yourself, this advertisement-supported program must have been installed bundled with third-party programs. Unfortunately, some of these programs could be highly malicious, which means that their removal might be more important than the removal of WinOff itself, but this is not the only security risk associated with this advertisement-supported program. If you do not delete WinOff, this browser extension could start showing ads associated with malware and their distribution. Of course, we do not recommend interacting with these ads; otherwise, malicious programs could infiltrate your operating system.
Search.golliver.com, UltraZip, and the Golliver extension are the programs that are most likely to be downloaded onto your computer with WinOff. Do these programs require removal? Our malware researchers believe that you should delete these programs from your operating system to ensure that all security backdoors are disabled. Unfortunately, WinOff can open security backdoors with every ad that it displays. If you do not want to install malicious programs, you should not interact with the installers promoted via the WinOff advertisements. You have to be just as careful with the surveys, prize giveaways, coupons, and other kinds of offers that you might be introduced to. Any of them could be unreliable and misleading, which is why we recommend removing WinOff.
It is very likely that WinOff will download tracking cookies to learn more about you and your virtual activity. Even though it is unlikely that these cookies will record personal information, you have to be very careful. In fact, it is best to remove WinOff cookies to ensure that they cannot record and leak information that unreliable parties (e.g., unreliable advertisers) could use to create more attractive ads. Keep in mind that attractive ads can still be malicious, and interacting with malicious ads can be risky. If you have already been tricked into sharing contact information, beware of spam email and scams, and, if you have downloaded some programs, make sure that you do not need to delete them.
It is most likely that you will be able to remove WinOff from your operating system just like any unwanted program. Follow the removal guide below and install a malware scanner (if you choose not to install reliable security software) to make sure that all components are deleted successfully. If WinOff has been installed with third-party programs, you need to delete them as well. It is best to use reliable automated malware removal software to delete malicious programs from your PC. This software will ensure that your operating system is protected after removing WinOff and other threats, and this is very important if you do not want to encounter malware in the future.
Delete from Windows 8 & Windows 8.1:
Delete from Windows Vista & Windows 7:
Delete from Windows XP: