The advertisement supported program Wizebar is not the most desirable and popular product out there because it can flood your web browsers with suspicious online offers and ads. Most computer users find this activity irritating and undesirable. Unfortunately, sometimes the plugin enters the operating system and initiates the avalanche of online ads without your permission. It is likely that the official page representing the program is; however, it is not active at the moment. Malware researchers indicate that the program could be bundled with other software and enter the PC without your consent. You should continue reading to learn how to delete Wizebar adware from the operating system.
The privacy policy ( related to the application reveals that its developer is Montiera Ltd. The document also discloses that web cookies capable of tracking your virtual activity may be installed alongside the related software. Furthermore, third party affiliates are revealed. Criteo, DealPly, Affinity and Superfish are few of the many affiliates which could serve the advertisements. Most importantly, the privacy policy document warns you that despite the attempts to keep the provided services secure, different vulnerabilities could appear. Here is the statement.
Monteira is taking reasonable mesures in atempt to keep the products secure. However, like all other internet software providers, the products may still be vulnerable to various security issues and for that reason, should not be considered secure. If you do not wish to be subjected to these risks, you are advised not to use the prodcuts.
It has been discovered that the Privacy Policy is actually presented by Xrosview, an advertising network which may be used to deliver online advertisements. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to understand who the presented offers belong to because in many cases they could be presented with the Puriffier tag. If you discover banner and pop-up ads by Puriffier, chances are that you will find the Wizebar Moentize Manager installed onto Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers. Note that this application can connect to the Internet without your permission employing any advertising network or adware server, which is why the displayed ads are suspicious and possibly unreliable.
You should remove Wizebar from the browsers as soon as you first discover it running. In order to delete this undesirable browser extension you should follow the manual removal guides below. As soon as you are done with the application, you should install an automatic malware removal tool which will be able to scan the PC and delete potentially existing threats. The bundled applications could be quite intrusive and dangerous, which is why you should not hesitate about their removal for much longer. You should at least research them before deciding to keep them running on the operating system.
Delete from Windows XP:
Delete from Windows Vista or Windows 7:
Delete from Windows 8: